The FBI should be focused on enforcing the laws of this country. Instead they’ve been doing dirty work for Democrats.
And the FBI worked secretly to strip Americans of 2nd Amendment rights.
Democrats have always peddled the lie that no one is trying to take away Americans’ firearms.
It was only recently that they let the mask slip – with major personalities like Beto O’Rourke famously saying “hell yes we’re gonna take your AR-15” on the Democrat Presidential debate stage.
But it’s even worse than conservatives thought, with deep state actors going behind the back of Congress to steal away the rights of every American.
According to a cache of internal documents discovered by the Washington Examiner, the FBI discreetly colluded with hospitals and medical institutes to deprive US people of their ability to possess, buy, or even use weapons.
Records demonstrate that, behind closed doors and without congressional authority, the FBI collaborated with the Secret Service and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement to deprive nearly two dozen people of their gun rights using internal forms. Following the Washington Examiner’s discovery in December 2022, newly discovered documents and emails revealed light on how the bureau apparently solicited assistance from medical facilities to renounce firearms rights from at least five people.
“Any time you have evidence of private entities coordinating with federal agents to strip Americans of their rights, the public should be alarmed and demanding answers and action,” said Aidan Johnston, federal affairs director for Gun Owners of America, a weapons rights organization. “This is just the latest terrifying new instance of the illegal NICS self-submission form being used in nefarious ways, and those who used it to violate the public’s trust must be held to account.”
Between 2016 and 2019, the FBI delivered forms to U.S. individuals at their homes and other secret sites that registered them with the bureau’s National Instant Criminal Background Check System. But, newly discovered papers show that the FBI used the form as early as 2011.
Internal form signers were requested to freely identify as a “danger” to themselves or others, as well as to lack the “mental capacity adequately to contract” their life. The presence of the FBI’s forms has piqued the interest of First Amendment lawyers and members of Congress, including Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH), and Reps. Dan Bishop (R-NC) and Andrew Johnson (R-NC) (R-GA).
“It really speaks to the rogue nature of the ‘Deep State’ mentality,” Ken Cuccinelli, a former Virginia attorney general and former Department of Homeland Security official under Trump, said.
Recent documents obtained by Gun Owners of America through the Request of Information Act offer insight on how facilities in New Hampshire, Delaware, Massachusetts, and Oklahoma used the firearms forms and provided signature records to the FBI. The forms date between 2011 and 2019, when the FBI announced that they would no longer be used.
The 2011 document, which dates the FBI’s efforts five years earlier than previously revealed, was provided with the Northwest Center for Mental Health, a mental health clinic in Oklahoma. The FBI has redacted the signatory’s identity, as it has on earlier forms.
The paperwork was completed in November 2011, and the clinic later forwarded it to the FBI, according to papers. The FBI redacted the identity of a medical professional who signed the document and disclosed their state license number. Because there are no investigative records accompanying the Oklahoma-related forms, it is unknown why the individual relinquished their gun rights.
Following coordination between Rockford Center, a private mental health group in Newark, Delaware, and the FBI, one signatory signed a form in April 2017. The signatory was classified as a “a danger to himself or to others” and was neither involuntarily committed for treatment nor assessed as a “mental defective,” according to papers.
Nevertheless, the Gun Control Act of 1968, a federal law governing firearms ownership, does not state that a U.S. citizen may declare themselves unsuitable to own guns and states that a person may be restricted if they are “adjudicated as a mental defective or has been committed to a mental institution.”
“These new revelations provide additional proof that the FBI has used deeply disturbing tactics to erode Americans’ Second Amendment freedoms,” Clyde said. “Make no mistake — the FBI is weaponizing NICS forms to advance the Left’s dangerous agenda of dismantling our Second Amendment liberties and disarming our nation. Congress must thoroughly investigate this troubling matter and hold all unelected, anti-gun bureaucrats involved accountable for forcing Americans to relinquish their constitutional right to keep and bear arms.”
According to papers, another medical establishment that collaborated with the FBI is New Hampshire Hospital, which is state-funded and provides inpatient psychiatric services.
The hospital filled out a sheet showing how a patient signed the FBI form in September 2019. The hospital document, which is two pages long and does not include the patient’s name, was forwarded to the bureau.
“The documents you reference are documents used to release medical records to another entity at a patient’s request,” said Kathy Remillard, a spokeswoman for the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services. “The patient or guardian must request and approve the sharing of information for the hospital to send records to another entity. The Department does not take a position on the purpose of or reasoning behind the patient’s request.”
The other two facilities that collaborated with the FBI were Holy Family Hospital in Massachusetts, which is part of the large network Steward Health Care, and Stoneham Medical Group in Stoneham, Massachusetts.
According to records, the signatory on the Holy Family form in February 2019 was “involuntarily committed for treatment,” and the bureau “brought” the form to the hospital. Yet, the individual signed it and “agreed to treatment voluntarily,” according to records.
One inscription on the Holy Family form refers to a Massachusetts legislation known as Section 12, which states that a patient who has “a likelihood of serious harm by reason of mental illness” can be taken without his or her will to a hospital for no more than three days.
According to documents, the other Massachusetts form was completed in 2014. It, too, was signed by a medical practitioner who claimed that the patient “had adequate mental capacity” to complete it.
Yet, Second Amendment lawyers have called this a “contradiction” claiming that it’s unclear how someone may be unfit to own weapons but be of sound mind to surrender their gun rights.
The Washington Examiner also acquired communications between FBI employees in September 2019 discussing coordination with an undisclosed hospital.
“Agent, I have reviewed the NICS Indices Self-Submission Form regarding [redacted],” wrote an FBI employee. “In order to make this entry, we will need to verify the subjects DOB. It appears as an incorrect DOB on the form. Also, if only the form is returned with no specific documents establishing federal criteria (see below), A temporary record will be created for this subject that will expire in 30 days.”
“Attached is the Petition I submitted to the hospital to have [redacted] committed for Mental Treatment along with the supporting Social Media Posts expressing a desire to obtain a firearm.” another FBI agent answered around two hours later.
The presence of records indicating how the FBI communicated with medical facilities follows Republican promises to investigate the forms. Republicans on the Judiciary Committee, including Bishop, said at a December 2022 hearing that U.S. citizens were “deprived of their Second Amendment rights without due process.”
Clyde had sponsored a motion in November 2022 demanding that Attorney General Merrick Garland disclose over data related to the weapons forms. House Democrats rejected the bill.
“Despite Judiciary House Democrats’ misguided decision to block my resolution of inquiry requesting the Biden administration to turn over documents connected to these NICS forms last year, I remain committed to uncovering the truth and delivering justice to the American people,” Clyde said.
Stay tuned to DC Daily Journal.