President Biden’s southern border disaster has been one of his administration’s worst failures. The southern border is seeing unprecedented insecurity and illegal crossings.
Some conservative Republicans are taking actions into their own hands. And Texas Governor Greg Abbott just made a move that caused Joe Biden to burst out in rage.
It’s become abundantly clear that Democrats don’t care about securing the southern border.
In fact, some say the insecurity at the southern border right now isn’t even a failure of the Biden administration because they literally want it that way.
Regardless, conservatives have had enough.
And some Republicans are standing up for their own states and local communities in the face of the Biden administration’s do-nothing say-nothing attitude.
One of those Republicans is Texas Governor Greg Abbott, who announced that his office just completed their first bussing of migrants to Chicago, Illinois.
The move comes as the Chicago Democrats, like Mayor Lori Lightfoot, have insisted that migrants from all legal statuses are welcome in Chicago.
So Greg Abbott is apparently just obliging.
The Daily Wire reports:
Governor Greg Abbott (R-TX) said Wednesday his administration bussed the first group of migrants north to Chicago in response to the border crisis that has overwhelmed Texan communities.
Abbott said he would add the Windy City to the list of drop-off locations, which have included Washington, D.C., and New York City. He argued that it would provide “much-needed relief” to the state’s border towns overrun by a massive influx of people pouring over the southern border.
Democrats are arguing that Abbott is being overly facetious by literally bussing migrants to Democrat-dominated cities.
But Abbott is just taking these Democrats at their word.
If the Democrats truly believe what they say about letting absolutely everyone into the United States and into their community, regardless of whether they did so illegally or have immediate criminal pasts, then they should be totally fine with accepting illegal migrants into their cities.
Abbott is even doing them a service by bussing the migrants for them.
Of course, we know the Democrats only want illegal immigrants to cross the southern border at the expense of Republican states like Texas.
And in return, Democrats can fish for votes from migrants with their “everything is free” message.
But when the Democrat politicians actually have to deal with a fraction of the consequences that Texas has to deal with, they abandon ship on the idea.
It’s hypocrisy at it’s finest.
Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.