The Biden administration has officially called it quits


The past two years have been rough for Americans and the Biden administration. Many were wondering how long the Biden admin could keep it up.

But now the Biden administration has officially called it quits.

Democrats have been desperate to act like the Joe Biden has everything under control in America.

But everyone knows that’s not true as inflation has been running rampant, the southern border crisis has worsened, and international affairs have threatened American safety.

So far, their response to these questions has been rambling on incoherently, as the Press Secretaries for Biden have done thus far.

Or they will outright lie, like saying the American economy is “stronger than ever” as some in the Biden White House have been claiming this year.

But now they’ve officially called it quits on responding at all.

At a recent press conference, secretary Karine Jeane-Pierre was asked point blank by a reporter if Biden wished more migrants to come to Delaware, where he was a representative.

“Does President Biden want more migrants to come to Delaware?” the reporter asked.

KJP simply said she doesn’t understand the question and said they would be moving on.

That’s an extremely straightforward question, as many have pointed out.

KJP isn’t being honest when she says she doesn’t understand the question. It’s a super simple question.

What she’s doing is using a new tactic to completely ignore the question altogether.

Play dumb and move on before you’re caught playing games with serious issues brought up by reporters.

Which is just the Biden administration mailing it.

They no longer care to even act like they have it all together. Just move on because they feel like they have no consequences for doing so.

This is a new low for the way the White House press has treated concerns brought by reporters and Joe Biden should be ashamed of himself.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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