Democrats push the narrative that every conservative is racist. In reality, it’s the Democrats who see everything through the lens of race.
And the Biden administration made this racist claim that has all hell breaking loose.
When George Floyd was killed by police in Minnesota, Leftists immediately jumped on the race-baiting train en masse.
Since the Black Lives Matter riots that left dozens dead and billions of dollars in damages, Democrats have been pushing the idea that White people are the cause of all the woes and suffering of minorities.
They want to create a permanent victim class they can exploit for votes any time they try to seize power.
For the most part, this strategy has served the Democrats well, but they’re getting more and more crazy with their claims.
And now they’re saying that some of America’s most common diseases are caused by racism.
The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) claims that “Entrenched systemic racism” is a substantial risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease and dementia in non-White Americans in its 2022 update on how to combat the disease.
According to the HHS’ “National Plan to Address Alzheimer’s Disease” Black, Hispanic, and low-income people are more likely to encounter health-related risk factors that contribute to Alzheimer’s disease, and this imbalance is the result of “structural inequities” caused by racism. Those inequities include “underinvestment in education systems, less walkable communities, decreased access to nutritious food, barriers to health care access and low quality of care in their communities.”
According to the paper, focusing on “cultural competence and equity.” is one method to lower the incidence of Alzheimer’s.
“This requires that addressing SDOH [social determinants of health], entrenched systemic racism, and other forms of discrimination be prioritized, rather than focusing solely on individual behaviors,” according to the paper.
According to the Alzheimer’s Association, a non-profit that works for research and early identification of the disease, age is the most significant risk factor – the group reports that 73% of persons with Alzheimer’s or dementia are 75 years or older, but that two-thirds are women.
Black people are twice as likely as Whites to have Alzheimer’s, while Hispanics are around 1.5 times as likely than Whites.
High blood pressure and diabetes are considered risk factors, according to the group, with high blood pressure “more prevalent in the African American community,” and diabetes “more prevalent in the Hispanic community.”
“In fact, some studies suggest that after adjusting for health and socioeconomic risk factors, no differences in Alzheimer’s prevalence exist,” the organization writes.
According to the HHS research, these disparities in overall health are the result of racism, which puts non-White persons at a higher risk of Alzheimer’s disease and related dementia (AD/ADRD).
“These disparities in the prevalence of risk factors – which are grounded in generations of structural racism and inequality in health care – contribute to disparities in the incidence of AD/ADRD that are further amplified by disparities in AD/ADRD diagnosis, treatment, and access to care and resources,” according to the report.
“It is therefore of critical importance that research, interventions, and infrastructure to address modifiable risk factors for AD/ADRD are culturally responsive and grounded in improving equity by addressing the social determinants of health (SDOH).”
“Accordingly, future efforts to reduce the burden of risk factors for AD/ADRD will focus on understanding not only what actions individuals can take to reduce their risks, but also what community and system-level investments are needed to facilitate risk reduction and support healthy aging,” the study stated.
Stay tuned to DC Daily Journal.