The Democrat Party headquarters is on fire because of the bill Ron DeSantis just signed

Democrats are in total panic mode. All because of one stroke of the pen.

And the Democrat Party headquarters is now on fire because of the bill Ron DeSantis just signed.

Ron DeSantis has announced his bid for the White House in the 2024 Presidential election, and of course he was met with a ton of both praise and criticism.

Democrats specifically don’t want to him to move into the White House because he’d likely be a tough out as an incumbent and would be set up for a strong conservative Congress as well.

But there’s something else that DeSantis has already accomplished that has Democrats worried sick.

You see, in Florida, it was law that Ron DeSantis would have to step down as the Governor of the Sunshine State in order to run for President of the United States.

That would’ve been a tough decision for DeSantis to make given that he has a tough competitor against Trump to face off against and the fact that DeSantis would’ve been serving as the Governor until January 2027.

Dropping out of the Governor’s mansion only to lose to Donald Trump with almost four years left to serve as the Governor sounded like a disaster.

But Democrats were hoping he would make that decision and dip out. That’s not what happened.

Ron DeSantis, before he announced his Presidential candidacy, signed a bill that allowed him to run for President and maintain his role as the Governor of Florida.

Democrats were truly desperate for DeSantis to either make the mistake of running for President and dropping the governorship or fail to pass the law that would allow him to run with no consequence.

If DeSantis dropped the governorship, he could very lose to Donald Trump this year and then face a long layoff without any political relevance until a likely 2028 bid.

On top of that, Florida’s governorship would be left to another Republican who likely wouldn’t be as effective in the Sunshine State as Ron DeSantis has been.

Of course, none of this has happened.

Ron DeSantis likely knows he may very well lose the primary in a hot race against Donald Trump this time around.

He’s planning for the future, no doubt. Even if he loses, he finishes up his second term as Florida’s governor right in time to announce a 2028 bid for the White House in the spring of 2027.

If he maintains his political strength and approval ratings, it’d be hard to imagine anyone else being able to replicate Ron DeSantis’ rise to popularity again.

The path would be clear within the Republican circles and the Democrats would seriously struggle to find someone to run against him.

All of this because of that one bill that Ron DeSantis signed.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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