No one can deny the FBI has been weaponized by the Left. They target conservatives like Donald Trump and run cover for Democrats.
Americans are rightly afraid of what this means for the country, and it’s only getting worse. And the FBI just confessed to bending over backwards for the Biden family.
The credibility of the FBI has been shattered in a matter of weeks.
Their recent politically motivated raid on Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate is showing Americans that if you stand up for freedom, you’re in the Left’s crosshairs.
Not only that, but Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg just opened up on Joe Rogan’s podcast about how the FBI came to them before the 2020 presidential election to have the social media giant censor the Hunter Biden laptop story.
And now whistleblowers are airing out all of the agency’s dirty laundry for everyone to see.
In letters to Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI), FBI whistleblowers admitted that FBI leadership forbade agents from investigating Hunter Biden’s laptop until after the 2020 election.
Their reasoning? They were afraid it would alter the election results.
As Breitbart reports:
According to the letter, the whistleblowers said the FBI did not want to investigate the laptop because it was afraid public disclosure would alter the outcome of the 2020 election:
After the FBI obtained the Hunter Biden laptop from the Wilmington, DE computer shop, these whistleblowers stated that local FBI leadership told employees, “you will not look at that Hunter Biden laptop” and that the FBI is ‘not going to change the outcome of the election again.’ Further, these whistleblowers allege that the FBI did not begin to examine the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop until after the 2020 presidential election—potentially a year after the FBI obtained the laptop in December 2019.
This is how the Left operates. They gaslight you when they’re committing crimes and corruption, then the truth gets out after it’s too late to change anything.
For people who cry about the destruction of democracy because of January 6th, they sure don’t care when the highest levels of government manipulate the political environment right before an election.
The Biden laptop story almost certainly would’ve made an impact at the ballot box.
Especially considering that Biden was being paraded by the Democrat Party as a “clean” guy to put in the White House.
But nothing could’ve been further from the truth. The Bidens’s corruption in Washington, D.C. runs wide and deep.