Everyone knows Vice President Harris has a checkered past. But now it’s causing problems.
And this blast from Kamala’s past just set her presidential campaign on fire.
Kamala Harris’ controversial support for a radical bail fund continues to cast a dark shadow over her, as more stories emerge of violent criminals unleashed on the public in the name of “social justice.” The Minnesota Freedom Fund (MFF), the organization she so eagerly backed, has a track record that’s as horrifying as it is damning.
One of the most shocking cases involves the MFF bailing out an assailant who, just a week later, turned into a k*ller.
Another is the tragic tale of a habitual DUI offender who, after being freed by the fund, crashed and k*lled a passenger. And let’s not forget the serial arsonist who attempted to burn down a mosque after being released thanks to Harris’s beloved fund.
Harris didn’t just quietly support this fund; she championed it. In June 2020, at the height of the George Floyd riots, the Vice President took to social media, urging her followers to “chip in” and support the MFF.
The fund, also endorsed by various celebrities, raised more than $41 million that year. But as the fund’s decisions to bail out violent offenders come under scrutiny, so does Harris’s judgment.
Just yesterday, it was revealed that the MFF bailed out a two-time convicted r*pist, who, once freed, went on to r*pe yet another woman.
This predator is now back in prison, facing charges of r*pe and assault with a dangerous weapon. Since 2016, the MFF has paid $21.2 million in cash bail and $4.8 million for immigration bonds, freeing 2,537 people from pre-trial detention and 463 from immigration detention. But at what cost?
One particularly disturbing case involves a man who was bailed out after a violent assault, only to commit an even more brutal attack that left another victim with a traumatic brain injury. He, too, is now back in custody.
Critics are quick to point out that Harris, with her long career as a prosecutor, District Attorney, and Attorney General in California, should have known better.
David Zimmer, a Public Safety Policy Fellow at the Center for the American Experiment, a Minnesota-based think tank, didn’t mince words in condemning her support for the fund.
“As a former AG, Harris’ support for the MFF to this day, despite the many examples of violent criminals being put back on the street only to reoffend, demonstrates a complete lack of judgment on her part,” Zimmer told the New York Post.
And the stories only get worse. Shawn Michael Tillman, another criminal bailed out by the fund, went on to m*rder a man just three weeks after his release in 2022.
Tillman was no stranger to law enforcement, having been repeatedly arrested for indecent exposure.
His behavior while in jail was nothing short of grotesque, as he was known for “repeatedly … exposing his p*nis and m*sturbating publicly” while taunting female jail staff.
Despite his disturbing behavior, Tillman was bailed out on April 29, 2022, and less than a month later, he m*rdered Demitri Ellis-Strong, shooting him in cold blood on a light rail platform.
Tillman has since been convicted of m*rder and is now serving life without parole, according to Minnesota court records.
The list of criminals who have reoffended after being bailed out by the MFF is long and sickening, but the details are too disturbing to recount here.
Harris’s support for this fund isn’t just a lapse in judgment; it’s a testament to her dangerous disregard for public safety.
Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.