Tim Walz’s older brother exposes just how awful the vice presidential candidate truly is

Walz has been running the media circuit painting himself as an everyman. His own family is shattering the illusion.

Because Tim Walz’s older brother exposed just how awful the vice presidential candidate truly is.

Democratic vice presidential candidate Tim Walz is facing some serious heat from an unexpected source — his own brother.

In a scathing series of Facebook comments this week, Jeff Walz didn’t mince words, warning Americans that Tim is not the “type of character” who should be making decisions about the future of this country.

Jeff Walz, clearly fed up with his brother’s far-Left ideology, declared, “I’m 100% opposed to all his ideology,” referring to the radical policies pushed by the Minnesota governor and Kamala Harris’s running mate.

The situation is so bad that Jeff Walz is even considering publicly endorsing former President Donald Trump. When urged by a Facebook commenter to “Get on stage with President Trump and endorse him,” Jeff didn’t rule it out.

“I’ve thought long and hard about doing something like that! I’m torn between that and just keeping my family out of it,” he replied. His comment quickly garnered support, racking up 449 likes.

In a cutting remark, Jeff added, “The stories I could tell. Not the type of character you want making decisions about your future.”

This isn’t just some sibling squabble — this is a deep-seated division that goes back years. Jeff and Tim Walz haven’t spoken in eight years, and it’s clear why.

Tim Walz, who has been caught exaggerating details of his military career and failed to act swiftly during the George Floyd riots, didn’t even have the courtesy to inform his family that he was selected as Harris’s running mate. “My family wasn’t given any notice that he was selected,” Jeff Walz revealed.

Jeff’s disapproval of his brother’s political ambitions came to light after conservative activist Laura Loomer uncovered a Facebook post he made on March 30, 2023 — the day Trump was indicted.

“We’ve just become a third world banana republic,” Jeff wrote, a post that has since gained 518 likes. This is a registered Republican who donated to Trump’s 2016 campaign but has never given a dime to his brother’s political career.

When reached for comment, Jeff Walz told the New York Post, “I am not doing interviews.” His life in the Florida Panhandle, where he resides with his wife Laurie, seems far removed from the Leftist chaos his brother is championing.

Jeff Walz’s social media shows a man enjoying life — sailfishing in Costa Rica, spending time with family, and embracing the freedom that comes with living in a state that values liberty. But while Jeff enjoys this freedom, his brother Tim has been busy imposing some of the harshest, most draconian lockdowns during the COVID-19 pandemic, which sent education levels plummeting in Minnesota.

Tim Walz, who once had his own brush with the law for a DUI, is now pushing a socialist agenda that includes turning Minnesota into a “trans refuge” state, signing laws to protect gender-affirming care, and bizarrely mandating tampons in school bathrooms.

It’s no wonder Jeff Walz is speaking out — he knows just how dangerous his brother’s ideology is.

“Tim Walz’s own brother knows his socialist ideology is dangerous for America. Together with Kamala Harris, inflation will get higher, the illegal immigration crisis will get worse, and our nation will look more like Venezuela,” warned Rep. Nicole Malliotakis (R-NY).

Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.) chimed in, “If the mainstream media has no problem amplifying the voices of Mary Trump and the family of RFK Jr. who speak out against Republicans, then the American people deserve to hear more from Tim Walz’s brother.”

It’s telling that the Harris-Walz campaign had nothing to say in response. Tim Walz may be the Democrats’ pick, but if his own brother can’t trust him to lead, why should the rest of America?

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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