Top lawyer went on Fox News to warn the nation about Kamala Harris threat

The upcoming election is a turning point. Whichever way it goes will decide the nation’s future.

That’s why a top lawyer went on Fox News to warn the nation about a massive Harris threat.

George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley has raised alarms about the potential implications of a Harris-Walz administration for free speech in the United States. In a recent appearance on Fox & Friends, Turley expressed his concerns regarding Vice President Kamala Harris’ history of advocating for limits on speech, suggesting that her views could pose a significant threat to the First Amendment.

Turley pointed to Harris’ call in October 2019 for then-Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey to suspend former President Donald Trump’s account while he was still in office. He argued that Harris perceives “speech as a privilege” that can be revoked from individuals deemed “reckless.”

He remarked, “It’s really Brazil that I think many in the anti-free speech movement are watching carefully. If Brazil can succeed in banning Twitter from the entire country, it will be replicated. Because many hold the view from what you just heard from Vice President Harris. They view speech as a privilege. It’s like a driver’s license that they think can be rescinded if you’re reckless.”

The professor expressed concern that this mindset represents a troubling trend in which advocates of censorship may resort to extreme measures to silence opposing views. He cited a recent incident in Brazil, where a judge ordered internet providers to block access to X (formerly Twitter) after billionaire Elon Musk refused to comply with orders to suspend certain accounts.

Turley warned that if proponents of censorship cannot persuade the public to relinquish their freedoms willingly, they may resort to taking platforms offline entirely. Turley also emphasized the need for more robust protections for free speech through legislative measures.

He framed the issue as a crucial topic for the upcoming election, stating, “Free speech is on the ballot. Not democracy. Free speech is on the ballot. Because, quite frankly, a Harris-Walz administration would be a perfect nightmare for free speech.” He drew parallels to the 1800 presidential election between Thomas Jefferson and John Adams, where free speech was a central issue.

Harris’ track record further complicates the matter. As a senator and California’s attorney general, she supported policies that restricted speech, including defending a law that mandated pro-life pregnancy centers to advertise abortions, which was later overturned by the Supreme Court.

Additionally, Harris has advocated for holding social media platforms “accountable” for “hate speech” and misinformation, raising further concerns among free speech advocates.

Her running mate, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, has also expressed views that could limit free speech. In 2022, he stated on MSNBC that there’s “no guarantee to free speech on misinformation or hate speech.” This combination of perspectives from both Harris and Walz has led to apprehensions about the future of free speech under their potential administration.

As the election approaches, Turley’s warning serves as a critical reminder of the importance of safeguarding First Amendment rights. The implications of a Harris-Walz administration could resonate deeply for advocates of free speech, highlighting the need for vigilance and action in the face of potential threats to this fundamental right.

Free Speech Extremely Important For Most American Voters

A recent survey conducted by the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE) found that a majority of Americans, about 70%, believe that the nation is headed the “wrong” direction in terms of how it defends free speech and handles matters of free speech.

The social media platform X, has been facing attacks because of its commitment to being a free and open platform ever since Elon Musk bought the platform in 2022. X’s users are rightfully concerned considering it’s one of the only platforms to act differently than the other major platforms today.

These concerns are well-founded considering Facebook’s CEO Mark Zuckerberg just admitted to conspiring with the FBI to censor content that was suspicious of the federal government’s narrative on the 2020 pandemic virus. He “apologized” for the way he coordinated with the federal government but gave no commitments to change the behavior of Meta, the parent company of Facebook. Meta also owns and runs Instagram, Threads, WhatsApp, and a handful of other major media and communications platforms.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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