Trump ally threw punches at Barack Obama in this crazy CNN interview

The 2024 election is heating up beyond belief. All the gloves are off now.

And a major Trump ally just threw punches at Barack Obama in this crazy CNN interview.

Pollster Frank Luntz Criticizes Pundits’ Misjudgment of Voters’ Feelings Toward Trump

In a recent interview with CNN host Kate Bolduan, pollster Frank Luntz highlighted the disconnect between political pundits and voters regarding former President Donald Trump. Luntz pointed out how pundits have repeatedly misread the electorate’s sentiments about Trump, especially recalling a notable moment from the 2016 presidential debate.

During the debate, Trump suggested that his opponent, Hillary Clinton, would “be in jail” if he were president. Bolduan aired a clip of this moment on CNN News Central and questioned Luntz about its significance. Luntz responded by explaining that, while pundits heavily criticized Trump for the comment, voters felt a sense of appreciation.

“Nobody expected Donald Trump to say that,” Luntz remarked. “And the pundits really condemned him for doing it. And our voters said, ‘Wait a minute. He’s holding her accountable. It’s about time that politicians are held accountable.’ That’s one of the great frustrations in America. That’s why we’re so angry because politicians often promise one thing and do the opposite.”

Bolduan challenged Luntz, suggesting that Trump’s remark implied he would direct his Justice Department to target a political opponent. Luntz argued that this perspective exemplifies the pundits’ misalignment with voter attitudes.

The Trump and Obama Contrast, According to Luntz

Luntz threw the proverbial punch at Barack Obama, saying that he was the exact opposite of what attracted voters and continues to attract voters to Donald Trump, particularly Trump’s straight-forwardness.

“And that’s exactly what the pundits said,” Luntz noted. “And the voters said, ‘Uh uh,’ he’s actually going to do this. I want someone who’s that tough, who’s going to look me straight in the eye. The opposite was Barack Obama, who would look at people and say ‘I get you, I understand you, I appreciate you, I applaud you.’ Voters are looking for someone to speak to them directly, to mean what they say, say what they mean, and follow through on their promises.”

Luntz also commented on the tight race between Trump and President Joe Biden in Minnesota, a state Trump lost in both the 2016 and 2020 elections. According to the RealClearPolling average, Biden currently leads Trump by a narrow margin of 3% in a two-way race in the state.

The discussion turned more heated when considering comments from Hillary Clinton, who in April suggested that Trump aspires to eliminate his political opponents. “Putin does what Trump would like to do. K*ll his opposition, imprison his opposition, drive journalists into exile, rule without any check or balance. That’s what Trump really wants,” she said.

“We have to be very conscious of how he sees the world because in that world, he only sees strong men leaders. He sees Putin, he sees Xi, he sees Kim Jong Un in North Korea. Those are the people he is modeling himself after, and we’ve been down this road in our world history. We sure don’t want to go down that again.”

The Leftist Who Cried “Fascist”

For years now, the Left has been trying to paint Donald Trump as some wannabe Fascist authoritarian dictator like Adolf Hitler. Though, the attacks have not been sticking so far. Americans aren’t buying that he’s somehow worse than Putin like the Left would have you believe.

In fact, the man who will be a debate moderator between Donald Trump and Joe Biden this week, Jake Tapper, has repeatedly tried to imply that Donald Trump is a reincarnation of Hitler. He takes every opportunity he can to say this on CNN.

In fact, the Biden campaign has been directly making these Hitler-Trump comparisons as well all over social media.

The fact remains that Americans simply aren’t buying it. Donald Trump is leading in the polls nationally, and in many of the key battleground states. As Luntz himself pointed out, Trump leading in the polls in Minnesota is simply groundbreaking. These Americans simply don’t believe this narrative the Left is trying to drum up that Trump is an authoritarian dictator like Putin or Hitler.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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