Trump’s jaw was left on the floor after learning about this CIA coup

Donald Trump is seeking vindication in court. He may now have it.

Because Trump can’t believe what he’s learned about this crazy CIA coup.

A new “Twitter Files” release on Wednesday showed that an anti-Trump former CIA agent who falsely claimed the Hunter Biden laptop story was Russia propaganda and who signed the infamous “spies who lie” letter not only worked for Twitter as a senior censor, but also tried to hide that fact as revelations emerged.

The letter from 51 former intelligence operatives was signed in October 2020 by Nada Bakos, a Twitter policy enforcement representative. She collaborated with her Twitter colleagues to conceal her status after it was exposed by the New York Post that she was one of the “spies who lie,” according to independent Twitter Files writer Texas Lindsay. She then made her Twitter account private and “locked down” her LinkedIn account.

“Did these former CIA agents plot their own stateside coup?”

In the last of her 12-post Twitter Files, Lindsay posed this question, pointing out that former Obama administration CIA Deputy Director Mike Morell prepared the 2020 election misinformation letter that his former assistant Bakos signed, ostensibly as she worked to stifle anti-Biden discourse on Twitter. Although Lindsay misspelled Morell’s last name as Morrell, it is obvious from the context that she is referring to the late top CIA official.

Lindsay added in her summary of her investigation report from documents she acquired from Twitter, “Both Bakos and Morrell were both very vocal publicly about their disdain for the former president.”

They both disapproved of his international and domestic policies, as well as his tweets and public criticism of their agency.

According to Lindsay, Bakos tried to hide the connections between the CIA, Twitter, and 2020 election tampering, but they are simply too alarming to do so.

The “Zero Dark Thirty” figure who assisted in finding and killing Osama bin Laden was partially inspired by Bakos. That was several years prior to the Biden campaign, former Obama CIA agents like Bakos and Morell, Twitter, Big Tech, and the media successfully pursuing President Trump before and beyond the 2020 election, as Lindsay’s Twitter Files indicates.

The shocking information comes from Bakos’ email to Twitter coworkers on March 19, 2022, the morning before the New York Post’s “Spies Who Lie” cover article.

According to Lindsay, Bakos not only told her Twitter colleagues that she had signed the Russian misinformation letter to support Biden’s campaign over former President Donald Trump, but she also admitted that she had been actively trying to keep the information from the public and the media.

And now she is avoiding answering for her actions in front of Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, Chair of the House Judiciary Committee, a well-known member of the House Oversight Committee led by James Comer, R-Ky.

As of right now, Donald Trump is being charged with attempts to allegedly overturn the results of the 2020 election because he says it is “rigged.”

If anything, this information about CIA agents being potentially intimately involved in assisting the coverup of the Hunter Biden laptop story is vindication for Donald Trump.

The DOJ can’t point to anything that Donald Trump has done to effectively try to reinstall himself as President in the wake of the results of the 2020 Presidential election.

Donald Trump, however, can point to the fact that there’s a ton of evidence that the DOJ, the FBI, and the CIA may have been involved in preventing a damaging news story for Joe Biden from reaching the public just before the election that he ended up “winning.”

So, you tell us who you think is guilty of election interference here.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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