Trump’s top enemy comes out of the shadows with a stunning announcement

Former President Donald Trump has made many enemies since entering politics. Some of them linger in shadows.

And now a top Trump enemy who was behind his impeachment has a shocking announcement you have to hear about.

There’s a man you may not have heard of by the name Eugene Vindman who has secretly been one of the biggest adversaries of Donald Trump’s political career so far.

Former Colonel for the Army, Eugene Vindman, was an essential actor in the the original attempt to impeach President Donald Trump.

Mr. Vindman is now seeking election to Congress in the 2024 election cycle.

In July of 2019, while working as a senior ethics lawyer for the National Security Counsel (NSC), Vindman’s brother, former Army Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, reported President Trump’s call with the Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

This week, Eugene Vindman made the announcement and referred to the impeachment of Trump as a sort of patting of himself on the back.

“Soldiers are trained to run towards fire, no matter the personal cost. That’s why I’m running for Congress – to defend our nation against the clear and present danger of Donald Trump and the 147 Members of Congress who voted to overthrow the will of the American people.”

“I want America to remain the land of opportunity, a refuge for families like mine, where hard work makes a difference, truth prevails, rights are protected, and we are all free to be who we are and pursue our dreams,” he stated in the press release.

Rep. Abigail Spanberger (D-VA) is leaving her seat in the 7th Congressional District to run for governor, and Eugene Vindman is hoping to take her place.

“Abigail Spanberger served our district with integrity and passion, and I hope to follow her example,” stated the former Army Colonel. “Families are struggling to pay for gas, groceries and housing, while Republicans in Congress fight among themselves. They have no interest in governing. America’s enemies relish in their dysfunction and the divisions they sow.”

For now, he is the only Democrat to enter the contest, which is shaping up to be one of the closest races for the House in 2024. The district ultimately went to Vice President Joe Biden in 2020, but before that, Republican challenger Abigail Spanberger won the seat by beating the previous incumbent GOP member.

Eugene Vindman has entered the race just as the former president Donald Trump is eyeing a storming comeback for a second term in the White House.

Vindman admits that he and his brother, Alexander, were instrumental in initiating impeachment proceedings against Trump on the grounds that the president had attempted to enlist the help of a foreign power in order to influence the 2020 election and had obstructed Congress’ investigation into the subject.

It will be interesting to see how the people of Virginia’s 7th district react to someone who was admittedly central to the first impeachment proceedings of President Donald Trump.

Surveys have largely demonstrated that the impeachment attempts of Donald Trump are not exactly popular amongst average Americans. Even Democrat voters will tell you that the impeachment trials were largely politically-motivated.

Vindman and Donald Trump appearing on the same ballot for those in that district in 2024 will also be extremely interesting to see.

Currently, Donald Trump carries significant leads over incumbent Democrat President Joe Biden. Should that remain the case heading into the general election season of 2024, it will be compelling to see how Trump’s appearance on the ballot impacts Republicans running for Congress — particularly in that Virginia district.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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