Tucker Carlson’s mind was blown by what a military colonel leaked to him

Tucker Carlson

Former Fox News host Tucker Carlson isn’t on cable news anymore. But he’s still dropping news bombshells.

And Tucker Carlson’s mind was blown by what this military colonel leaked to him on his show.

While Tucker Carlson was at Fox News, the narrative being pushed by the Left was that he was a wacky conspiracy theorist when it came to the Russia-Ukraine war who can’t be trusted whatsoever.

But, of course, this was a lie. Tucker Carlson got grief from the establishment for asking legitimate questions about the war rather than just blindly supporting the narrative that Ukraine needed support in the form of a blank check from the U.S. federal government.

Now that he’s no longer with Fox News, however, he’s way more free to talk about whatever he wants on his new “show” over on Twitter (now known as X).

In his latest episode, Tucker Carlson has on a former U.S. military colonel, Douglas Macgregor, and the two discuss the Russia-Ukraine war and what it means for the future of international relations and America.

Carlson opened up the episode by saying that he’s skeptical that the Russia-Ukraine war doesn’t end up involving having U.S. troops and boots on the ground in Ukraine fighting Russia.

First, he began by exposing the narratives around the war that simply may not be true.

“‘The Russian army is incompetent,’ they claim. ‘Ukraine is a democracy.’ ‘Vladimir Putin is Hitler, and he’s trying to take over the world.’ Thankfully, the Ukrainians are winning. None of that is true,” Tucker Carlson said.

Then he discussed the fact that Ukraine can’t hold out forever if they are actually losing and said that the real question is what happens after that.

“Ukraine is running out of soldiers. As that happens, the question will inevitably arise who’s going to replace them? If the Ukrainians can’t beat Putin, who will? The answer, of course, will be us. American troops will fight the Russian army in Eastern Europe. That’s most likely. And the assumption is we’ll win. But will we win?” Tucker Carlson asked.

Later in episode during the interview section, Carlson asked Colonel Douglas Macgregor point blank how well the Ukrainians are doing and he soberly said it’s not an easy question to answer. He also shared some scary numbers of how many Ukrainians are perishing.

The fact that 400,000 Ukrainian soldiers have perished is staggering, to say the least.

Macgregor also detailed for Tucker Carlson how Ukrainian President Zelensky has been basically “selected” for the position he’s in, leading the Ukrainians against Russia in war.

But originally, the Ukrainians did not want to go to war, according to Macgregor. This lends itself to the idea that maybe the West has been interfering all along to fan the falmes of the war.

Which certainly lines up with the fact that the United States is funding the Ukrainian war effort with seemingly no end.

Lastly, Macgregor highlights how Ukraine has become a cesspool for corruption, and he said he believes that it’s become a hotbed destination for fraud.

And who do we know in the executive branch that has ties to Ukrainian business dealings? The Biden family, yeah? How interesting.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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