The Left thought they had Trump right where they wanted him. But it’s all falling apart.
As a U.S. attorney just shocked Larry Kudlow on Fox News by dropping a serious bombshell about the Trump case.
The narrative from the Trump prosecution and the progressive-Left that has bought into it is that Donald Trump was actually guilty of election fraud by supposedly making “hush money” payments to adult film star Stormy Daniels.
There’s little evidence of this, of course. So little, there’s been growing calls for the entire trial to just be thrown out because it seems laughable at this point. The prosecution doesn’t seem to have enough at all.
Even Stormy Daniels herself has testified in the case that she was the one who signed a document from years ago that she had no affair with Donald Trump and that she was not paid any form of “hush” money at any point.
Their silver bullet was supposed to be the testimony of Donald Trump’s former lawyer, Michael Cohen, who is the one who directly coordinated any payments made out to Stormy Daniels back in 2016.
However, the Michael Cohen testimony hasn’t panned out for the prosecution and those who were hoping for good evidence of election fraud to come out of his testimony. Instead, it’s really just proving that you can’t prove any intent on the part of Donald Trump, which is a major part of criminal law.
One of the top attorneys in the nation recently went on Fox News to share his thoughts on the latest news from the Trump case, and he added that he thinks the Cohen testimony was ultimately good for Trump.
Jonathan Turley, one of the most respected lawyers in America and currently a professor at George Washington University, shared with Larry Kudlow on Fox News that he believes Cohen’s testimony was just proving that the client (Trump) was just obeying his lawyer’s orders and instructions (Cohen).
“The most important thing about the audiotape is that there was an audiotape. For most lawyers, watching… listening to this tape is, is really an appalling moment,” he first had to say about the Cohen testimony.
“The very idea that an attorney would tape a client without their knowledge or consent just shatters every aspect of professional conduct, but the tape really doesn’t offer much,” the George Washington University professor went on to add.
Turley notes how the Cohen testimony literally proves that Cohen was doing all the work that the prosecution is trying to suggest Trump was arranging. But all of the arranging was done on the part of Michael Cohen.
“Like much else in Cohen’s testimony, he gives these details of how he goes to his client and says, I fixed the problem. I arranged for payments. I’m, you know, this is not, this story is going to go away, at least before the election and Trump is saying things like ‘good, good,’” Mr. Turley shared with Kudlow.
“Well, that sounds a lot like a client following the directions of his lawyer. But now the lawyer is telling the jury I think you should send my client to prison for doing what I suggested for him to do,” he also claimed.
Turley argues that there is simply no crime that the prosecution can point to based on any real evidence shared thus far. Not only that, but he said it’s “bizarre” that there’s even a trial being held on this when there’s no crime that can be pointed to at this time.
“There is nothing illegal here, what Cohen was describing is not a crime,” Jonathan Turley argues.
“The prosecutors are making great fanfare over proving non-criminal acts and non-contested allegations. Yeah, there was a NDA. Yeah, money was paid. That happens all the time and so we’re still left with this bizarre situation of a trial over something that none of us have yet been told what the crime is,” he added.
You can watch the clip from Fox News below:
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