White House on lockdown after violent assault

Tensions are rising in the political realm. People are starting to take matters into their own hands.

And the White House was put on lockdown after this violent assault.

The country is becoming more and more divided, and with that comes hatred and violence.

Rather than sit down at the table and discuss issues like adults, some are starting to go off the rails and commit acts of terrorism.

And one violence act just put the entire White House on lockdown.

After a U-Haul truck drove into barriers outside the White House late Monday, a man was charged with many offenses, including threatening the president.

The truck’s driver, identified by the Daily Mail as Sai Varshith Kandula, 19, of Chesterfield, Missouri, drove through a security gate at Lafayette Park, which is just in front of the White House gates.

According to WUSA, he was charged with five offenses, including threatening to kill, kidnap, or damage the president, vice president, or a family member.

At around 10 p.m., the crash happened on the north side of Lafayette Square at 16th Street.

According to ABC7 News, the Secret Service stated that the U-Haul’s cargo hold was empty, but a Nazi flag was found from the truck’s cab.

“There were no injuries to Secret Service or White House personnel and the cause and manner of the crash remain under investigation,” said Secret Service spokesman Anthony Guglielmi.

Guglielmi later tweeted that a “preliminary investigation reveals that the driver may have intentionally struck the security barriers.”

According to The Washington Post, the neighboring Hay Adams Hotel was evacuated at the request of the Secret Service.

Roads and pedestrian walkways surrounding the park were also temporarily restricted.

Unfortunately, this is becoming all too common.

In the recent months, multiple politicians and their staff have been attacked.

Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida was assaulted twice, both times by having a drink thrown on him earlier this year.

Virginia congressman Gerry Connolly’s office was also assaulted by a bat wielding menace.

Has the world gone crazy?

Stay tuned to DC Daily Journal.

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