Politicians and their pals don’t care about the laws. They’ll do what they want, when they want.
And now a senior Biden official just admitted to committing this shocking criminal act.
Joe Biden and the Democrats have been hit with scandal after scandal ever since the middle of last year.
Whether it was classified information being mishandled and possibly given to Hunter Biden or his Chinese business partners, or the fact that Joe Biden allowed Chinese spies to fly unimpeded over the U.S., it has been a mess.
But with so many new scandals, it’s easy to forget the older ones that are still festering.
Like the crisis at the southern border, where over six million illegal immigrants have poured into the United States since the beginning of Biden’s presidency.
But rather than fixing the issue, Biden’s immigration team is openly saying that their narrative matters more than the laws Congress passes.
“Our goal is to achieve operational control of the border, to do everything that we can to support our personnel with the resources, the technology, the policies that really advance the security of the border, and do not come at the cost of the values of our country,” Mayorkas said in an interview with CNN’s Chris Wallace, on the cable TV show, Who’s Talking to Chris Wallace.”
“The law needs to be changed if it does not either meet our highest ideals or actually proves to be functional in the service of those ideals,” said Mayorkas, a lawyer who has opened many loopholes to smuggle more economic migrants into Americans’ economy and society.
“I’m not going to resign,” Mayorkas said in response to a question about congressional GOP calls for his impeachment. “There’s a tremendous amount of work to do, and we are doing it and I’m incredibly proud to do it,” he said.
Mayorkas made his “Nation of Immigrants” statements after Wallace asked him to justify his repeated claim that “the border is secure” despite the transit of around 3.5 million migrants — including at least 1.2 million unidentified “gotaways” — via the southern border.
“What does ‘secure’ mean to you?” Wallace inquired.
Mayorkas replied:
There is not a common definition of that. If one looks at [Congress’s 2006] statutory definition, the literal interpretation of the statutory language, if one person successfully evades law enforcement at the border, then we have breached the security of the border … Our goal is to achieve operational control of the border, to do everything that we can to support our personnel with the resources, the technology, the policies, that really advance the security of the border, and do not come at the cost of the values of our country. I say that because in the prior [Donald Trump] administration, policies were promulgated or passed that did not hew to the values that we hold dear.
In a 2006 statute, the federal government described border security as “the prevention of all unlawful entries into the United States, including entries by terrorists, other unlawful aliens, terrorist instruments, narcotics, and other contraband.”
Mayorkas then explained “the values we hold dear” which he says trump the 2006 law:
We, in the United States, have tremendous pride in our country as a country, a place of refuge. We are a nation of immigrants. We are also a nation of laws. Those laws provide for humanitarian relief for those who qualify. They also provide that individuals who do not qualify will be removed. That’s how we do our work at the Department of Homeland Security.
Yet, polls reveal that Americans dislike Mayorkas’s “Nation of Immigrants” rationale for disregarding the country’s border regulations.
This criticism is growing as Americans see how Mayorkas’ nebulous “values of our country” argument transfers the economic worth of their labour to affluent coastal investors and Wall Street.
“In 1985, it took 39.7 weeks of work each year to pay for these [middle-class basics], giving families plenty of room to enjoy other consumer goods and luxuries,” said a Washington Post op-ed by Henry Olsen:
But today, it takes 62.1 weeks of work to cover the same expenses. In other words, about 40 years ago, the median American family could enjoy a middle-class life on one earner’s paycheck. Today, it takes two.
Almost all older Americans grew up in a cohesive society with a shared culture and a flourishing economy, yet there was a black-white divide. But, many elites are increasingly utilizing immigration to impose a distorted economy and a divided culture on their 300 million fellow citizens.
Mayorkas, for example, has let millions of migrants into the US economy to compete for jobs and housing, despite federal regulations that demand the detention of asylum seekers and the rejection of economic migrants. Notwithstanding the obvious harm done to U.S. innovation, salaries, and housing, he has used his bureaucratic position to increase the inflow of foreign graduates into the investors’ Fortune 500 jobs that are needed by U.S. graduates.
Wallace pressed Mayorkas to explain why he was implementing pro-migration policies that harmed Americans and their children:
Mayorkas mentioned his Romanian-born mother, who escaped to Cuba during World War II to escape the Nazis’ Jewish holocaust. As she and her Cuban-born husband and children fled Cuban communism to the United States in 1960, they were greeted by hopeful Americans. He explained to Wallace:
My parents instilled in me the profound meaning of displacement, the yearning to give one’s children a better life than what the life one has had, [and] the fragility of life. And so I understand deeply the plight of individuals who will leave their homes, whether they flee persecution or aspire to a better life. We, in the United States, have tremendous pride in our country as a place of refuge. We are a nation of immigrants.
My mother, given the tragedy that she lived through — her father lost everybody except the sister in the Holocaust — she understood that every day is a new life. The world did not have the privilege of recognizing the beauty of my parents. And through the work I do, I hope I can communicate that in some way.
What’s lost in translation here is the fact that Mayorkas is not allowed to do what he wants based on his own personal sentiments.
He is a public servant meant to execute his duties to the letter of the law, and the law is extremely clear.
His refusal to do so is a direct dereliction of duty, and it’s the reason many Republicans have called to impeach him.
Stay tuned to DC Daily Journal.