Biden-Harris border official confesses to a devastating cover-up

The extent of the border crisis raises the question if it’s all on purpose. How can so many people get past our border guards?

Well now this Biden-Harris border official confessed to a devastating cover-up.

A former top Border Patrol official has accused the Biden-Harris administration of deliberately covering up the escalating migrant crisis, revealing just how far the White House is willing to go to keep the public in the dark.

Ex-San Diego Sector Chief Agent Aaron Heitke, who oversaw the protection of nearly 1,000 miles of America’s southern border, testified before the House Homeland Security Committee, shedding light on the administration’s shocking efforts to downplay the severity of the crisis.

In a damning statement, Heitke disclosed that the Biden-Harris administration made repeated attempts to “quiet the border-wide crisis” by withholding critical information from the press and hiding the crossings of dangerous migrants, some with known terror ties.

Heitke, who retired in the summer of 2023, didn’t hold back as he recounted the chaos he witnessed under Biden and Harris’s leadership.

“I had to release illegal aliens by the hundreds each day into communities who could not support them,” Heitke testified, highlighting how the administration’s policies were flooding towns ill-prepared to handle the influx. Rather than addressing the root of the problem, the White House chose to mask it.

Heitke explained, “To quiet the problem, two flights a week were provided from San Diego to Texas. These flights simply brought aliens that would have been released in San Diego over to Texas.” Each flight, he noted, cost approximately $150,000 — a costly scheme to conceal the true scope of the border crisis.

The administration’s deception didn’t stop there. Heitke also revealed that officials pressured him to relocate over 2,000 migrants, apprehended between two U.S.-Mexico border fences in Southern California, “out of the sight of the media.”

It’s clear that Biden and Harris preferred to sweep this crisis under the rug rather than confront it head-on.

Perhaps most disturbing was the administration’s attempt to suppress alarming data on the rise of so-called “Special Interest Aliens” (SIAs) — migrants from countries known for terror activity.

Before Biden and Harris took office, Heitke said the San Diego sector averaged just 10 to 15 SIA arrests per year.

But under their watch, that number skyrocketed to over 100 SIAs in 2022, with numbers climbing even higher in 2023.

“These are only the ones we caught,” Heitke stressed, pointing to the 1.7 million “gotaways” who entered the U.S. without being apprehended, leaving their terror ties or national security risks unknown.

Heitke was explicitly told not to share any information on the increase in SIAs or the arrests taking place.

“The administration was trying to convince the public there was no threat at the border,” he said, a chilling revelation that underscores just how determined Biden and Harris are to downplay the dangers.

This isn’t the first time the Biden-Harris administration has been accused of intentionally weakening border security.

Just one day before Heitke’s testimony, the New York Post reported that another former border official made similar claims. During a transcribed interview with the House committee, former Border Patrol Chief Rodney Scott asserted that President Biden, Vice President Harris, and Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas “intentionally” opened the U.S. border.

Scott’s accusations were blunt and alarming. He claimed that Mayorkas and his political appointees have been conspiring to “undermine the security of the American people,” effectively telling border agents, “Just don’t do your job.”

This, Scott argued, was a complete departure from the policies under former Presidents Donald Trump and even Barack Obama, both of whom at least made an effort to secure the border.

The Biden-Harris administration’s reckless handling of border security is becoming increasingly indefensible.

As these brave former Border Patrol officials come forward, it’s clear that the White House’s priority isn’t protecting the American people, but rather, protecting their own political interests by burying the truth.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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