Joe Biden has opened the floodgates at the southern border. But not everyone is standing idly by while we’re invaded.
And Border Patrol blew up Joe Biden’s sinister scheme at the southern border.
Joe Biden has bungled the southern border worse than any president in history.
It’s so bad that it’s almost as if it’s on purpose.
And the numbers are truly staggering.
According to research, 5,000 illegal immigrants are released into the United States on a daily basis.
Department of Homeland Security officials told Arizona lawmakers that about 670,000 known “gotaways” crossed the border last fiscal year.
According to a Fox News article, every day, an average of 5,000 illegal immigrants are released to humanitarian organizations that provide assistance to immigrants.
The fiscal year 2023 saw a record-high 2.4 million encounters with immigrants, with September witnessing over 260,000 encounters.
According to statistics, about 440,000 contacts happened in fiscal 2024.
For years, Republican lawmakers have emphasized border security, urging the Biden administration to take action to protect the border.
Rep. Juan Ciscomani (R-AZ), who represents an Arizona border district heavily impacted by illegal border crossings, has blasted the Department of Homeland Security and its closure of the international port of entry, which he claims has exacerbated unlawful border crossings.
“It was a lose-lose,” Ciscomani said in an exclusive interview with the Washington Examiner on Thursday.
“People that have homes on both sides — they need to cross for medical reasons or they need to cross for school, cross for shopping or trade and commerce and tourism. … There is zero upside to closing that Lukeville port. Trade has stopped. Tourism has stopped. Businesses on the U.S. side are seeing a 50% to 70% decrease in their sales.”
Republicans and the Biden administration, which is looking to send financial aid to Ukraine in its struggle against Russia, are at odds over border security.
Many Republican congressmen have declared that they will not vote for help to Ukraine unless border security funding is included.
The Senate voted 49-51 on Wednesday to reject Sen. Chuck Schumer’s (D-NY) request for $111 billion in overseas spending, falling far short of the 60-vote threshold required to approve the request.
Schumer called the voting results “a sad night in the history of the Senate and our country,” and urged his Republican colleagues to be “serious.”
Meanwhile, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has urged his colleagues not to vote for aid to Ukraine until “meaningful changes to the border” are made.
Prior to the vote on Wednesday, Rep. Byron Donalds (R-FL) stated the White House should secure the border, which would lead to members “willing to listen and talk.”
Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.