The Biden admin. wants to act like there’s nothing wrong at the southern border with Mexico. But the truth is crystal clear now.
Because a Border Patrol Chief has sent Joe Biden this scary warning about a terror attack on U.S. soil.
A former head of Customs and Border Protection has issued a dire warning that Hamas and other Islamic jihadists are currently here in the United States waiting to strike because of President Joe Biden’s wide-open border crisis, which has led to a renewed global threat to all Jews in all nations.
But of course, that would never happen in the United States, right?
If the terrible events of September 11, 2001 didn’t convince you otherwise, nothing will.
We are not immune to such a thing occurring. Former U.S. Customs and Border Protection acting commissioner Mark Morgan has warned that an attack could be “imminent.”
Morgan told The Epoch Times on Monday, “Nobody in their right mind can say that our border is secure.”
“The same terrorists that just carried out this horrific attack in Israel — their hatred and their unwavering commitment … to do harm to the United States, is alive and well,” Morgan, who served the Donald Trump administration, claimed.
In fact, the Department of Homeland Security has reported that over 659 known suspected terrorists have been arrested entering the United States as a direct result of Biden’s poor policy.
According to CBP statistics that was last updated on September 15, 659 known or suspected terrorists (KSTs) were detained trying to illegally enter the U.S., with the bulk being apprehended near the northern border.
However, the government only has access to these figures. There may be a large number of KSTs among the 1.7 million “gotaways” who have not been found or recognized, according to DHS estimates.
According to Morgan, it’s obvious that some terrorists have already crossed the border and are living among us, and they’re up to no good.
“It’s coming. It’s coming. No one can predict, but what I will say is, there could already be a cell in the United States planning the next terrorist attack, and we would have no idea,” Morgan maintained. “That’s a fair statement; that’s not hyperbolic,” he added.
Even so, the FBI, which has often been shown to be ineffective, has claimed that it has found no “specific and credible intelligence indicating a threat to the United States stemming from the Hamas attacks.”
Of course, the FBI and the rest of Biden’s security services are considerably more concerned with arresting MAGA supporters and targeting Trump, so their word is suspect.
Morgan said that the United States already has enough homegrown terrorists without foreign operators sneaking across the border, citing the thousands of purported Americans who have been seen parading about college campuses and big, blue cities professing their support for the Hamas terrorists.
Morgan informed The Epoch Times, “We have people in our own country that are actually supporting Hamas, supporting the actions of babies being decapitated, of being burned alive, of women being savagely raped and videotaped.”
Morgan also condemned Biden for leaving us open to invasion by our worst enemies by allowing our “compassion to be hijacked.”
Last but not least, Morgan suggested that DHS and other intelligence services start conducting in-depth investigations into certain immigrant groups to find out whether they are carrying hate for our country with them when they immigrate.
“We just want to make sure that they’re not sharing in the terrorist’s ideology. That is reasonable. That is rational,” he argued.
With the world in disarray, radical Islamic terrorists have an easy target in the United States, that’s without even mentioning the issue of China, North Korea, and Russia.
Biden’s actions have made it easier than ever for our enemies to sneak into the country under the radar. And if Morgan’s feared terrorist strike materializes, American blood will be on Biden’s hands.
Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.