Democrat betrays Joe Biden with this major confession on CBS

The Democrats are trying to put up a front of unity. But that’s quickly falling apart.

Because this top Democrat went on CBS and betrayed Joe Biden with a major confession.

Democratic Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker reportedly admitted last week to diverting some taxpayer funding from residents to illegal aliens, as reported by The Center Square.

With the crisis and the influx of migrants, “we have taken some of the programs that have pre-existed the crisis and adjusted them to help with the migrant crisis,” Pritzker stated.

The wealthy leftists who support illegal immigration will gladly foot the bill, right?

“Let me give you one example—our rental assistance program,” Pritzker continued. “We have provided some of that rental assistance money, which wasn’t originally intended to be about asylum seekers, for this challenge.”

That means low-income Americans in Illinois will be contributing to the healthcare of illegal immigrants rather than their own rent. How can Pritzker get away with that?

A backlash over a choice like this could only be avoided with an iron grip on solidly Democratic voters, who are either intentionally blind or kept dumb by establishment media propaganda.

The governor, however, still had plenty of hutzpah left in his tank.

Sunday on CBS’s Face the Nation, Pritzker was questioned by anchor Margaret Brennan on Chicago’s hosting of the 2024 Democratic National Convention. In particular, given the recent spike in illegal immigration, would the city be able to handle the convention?

Prizker’s response is so ignorant of reality that it’s hard to believe he actually said it.

“I am confident that we can handle it. But again, it will require help from the federal government, and someone needs to work in Texas with these border politicians to have them stop sending people only to blue cities and blue states,” the Democratic Governor claimed.

“Stop sending people only to blue cities and blue states.” Was this not what the Democrats desired? They voted for it, didn’t they?

Pritzker and his Leftist buddies “asked for this,” Illinois state Rep. Kevin Schmidt of the Republican Party of the State of Illinois pointed out to Pritzker.

“The Democrats in Illinois have kind of made this problem on their own by making Illinois a sanctuary state,” Schmidt said to The Center Square this week.

“You have got a lot of liberal elites that are in favor of certain ideologies and policies, but whenever it hits home and they see it in person, it’s a little different world then. They don’t want that in their backyard. They want it in someone else’s, which is pretty typical for a liberal elitist.”

One day, wealthy liberals and other moralizing snobs will have to face the voters and explain themselves.

Some servicemen and their families had hotel reservations in Massachusetts canceled so they could not see the Army-Navy football game. Illegals now occupy those rooms.

Democratic New York City Mayor Eric Adams announced significant cuts to services last month in response to the influx of illegal migrants. New York has provided free medical care to over 30,000 illegal immigrants.

Voters for the Democratic Party will eventually understand that its representatives and financial backers truly hate them. Or at least you would hope so.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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