Greg Abbott delivers devastating loss that has Biden losing his mind

Biden’s world is crumbling down around him. And Republicans are happy to pile on.

That’s why Greg Abbott delivered a devastating loss that has Biden losing his mind.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott directed that almost 52,000 migrants be bused from the border region to self-proclaimed sanctuary communities around the country.

Governor Abbott directed the Texas Division of Emergency Management to begin busing migrants from border towns to sanctuary cities in April 2022 as part of Operation Lone Star.

Abbott said that almost 52,000 migrants have been brought to six sanctuary towns since then.

As of October 5, Abbott’s office reported the following figures:

  • Over 12,500 migrants to Washington, D.C. since April 2022
  • Over 18,500 migrants to New York City since August 2022
  • Over 13,500 migrants to Chicago since August 2022
  • Over 3,200 migrants to Philadelphia since November 2022
  • Over 3,200 migrants to Denver since May 18
  • Over 940 migrants to Los Angeles since June 14

In addition to the migrant busing program, in which migrants volunteer to depart Texas, Abbott’s office announced the arrest of approximately 480,000 migrants.

This resulted in over 34,800 criminal arrests. Among the arrests are 31,800 felony charges.

Meanwhile, the border is devolving into an actual battleground.

A drone recently caught a massive gun battle between rival gangs just across the Texas border.


According to unofficial Border Patrol data examined by Breitbart, agents apprehended approximately 134,000 of the 218,000 September apprehensions (61 percent) in the five Texas-based Border Patrol sectors.

This boosted the total for Texas-based sectors in FY23 to more over 1.2 million (60 percent) of the 2.045 million apprehensions for the nine southwest border sectors. FY23 came to a close on September 30.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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