Joe Biden is steaming mad over what Texas Governor Greg Abbott just announced

Texas Governor Greg Abbott has had it with Joe Biden’s games. He’s taking Biden head on.

And Joe Biden is steaming mad over what Texas Governor Greg Abbott just announced.

One of Biden’s biggest failures as president is his insistence on keeping the southern border wide open for criminals and drug smugglers.

We have the capability to cut it off. We could even activate the National Guard from every state to defend and monitor the situation.

But instead, Biden’s solution is to tell illegal immigrants to stay in Texas.

No, they don’t have to go back to Mexico, just make sure they don’t go to liberal states.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott promised on Thursday that if the Biden administration moved forward with a reported plan to keep migrants in Texas, he would send “even more buses” of migrants to cities including Washington, D.C. — just as the administration is under pressure from left-wing officials in cities such as New York City over migrant traffic.

“Biden considers forcing migrant families to remain in Texas. This scam was tried years ago & was shot down by a judge,” Abbott said on X, formerly known as Twitter. “We will send Biden the same swift justice.”

“And, we will add even more buses of migrants to Washington D.C.,” he said.

Abbott was responding to a Los Angeles Times report that highlighted a proposed Department of Homeland Security program that would track illegal immigrant family units using GPS monitoring devices, including ankle bands, in order to force them to remain in Texas.

According to the Times, the families would go through an asylum process to see if they could stay, and if not, they may be deported more readily owing to their proximity to the border.

The site emphasized that it was similar to a Reagan-era strategy that required migrants to remain near the border while their applications were processed.

While it would appeal to conservative arguments that migrants should be detained or closely monitored in order to be quickly deported rather than being released into the country with a notice to appear in court, it would also put pressure on the Republican state and likely elicit strong opposition from lawmakers there.

The scheme would be a step up from the Family Expedited Removal scheme, which enforces curfews and monitors family units that travel to major cities.

A DHS representative responded to the allegations by saying that the administration “is committed to expanding safe and orderly pathways for migrants to lawfully enter the United States, while imposing consequences on those who fail to use those pathways.”

Meanwhile, the southern border situation persists. Numbers increased to roughly 183,000 in July, and several Border Patrol sectors are reaching or have achieved capacity.

Republicans, including Abbott, have blamed the prolonged problem on the administration’s policies.

Democrats and the administration have instead called for more funds and a comprehensive immigration reform measure, which Republicans have opposed in part because it includes a road to citizenship for illegal immigrants who are already in the country.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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