President Biden’s order to address illegal immigration blows up in his face

Joe Biden finally tried to address the border crisis. But it was a spectacular fail.

Because President Biden’s executive order on illegal immigration has blown up in his face.

Since Joe Biden has assumed office, there have been millions upon millions of individuals trying to enter into the United States illegally. Immigration experts agree that Biden’s policies and lack of border security is largely responsible for at least a significant portion of the dramatic uptick in border encounters with illegals.

It’s just undeniable at this point that the Biden administration has simply dropped the ball on the border crisis issue. So much so that during an election year his own Democrat “allies” in Congress are having to distance themselves from the Biden admin, at least on immigration. The harsh criticism has caught Joe Biden’s ear, and surprisingly, he recently signed an executive order designed to crack down on the different ways illegal immigrants can try to cross the border.

The order was supposed to shut down the border when the “average” border crossings over a period has exceeded 2,500 individuals a day. The only problem is that there’s clear ways around this.

Biden’s Executive Order on Immigration Faces Potential Loopholes, Internal Guidance Reveals

President Joe Biden’s recent executive order aimed at curbing illegal immigration through the U.S.-Mexico border has several potential loopholes, according to internal guidance obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

Announced on Tuesday, the executive order seeks to limit illegal immigration by temporarily suspending the entry of foreign nationals if the average number of border encounters exceeds 2,500 per day over a one-week period. Despite this, a memo from Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) indicates that asylum seekers have numerous ways to circumvent the order.

The White House has acknowledged that the executive order includes several exemptions. According to the memo, the order does not apply to unaccompanied minors, victims of “severe” forms of trafficking, individuals arriving at ports of entry with a CBP One appointment, and migrants allowed entry by a Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officer based on “the totality of the circumstances” or “operational considerations.”

Additional exemptions cover those with acute medical emergencies and those facing imminent and extreme threats to life or safety.

The memo further explains that foreign nationals subject to expedited removal have additional avenues to avoid deportation, including invoking “urgent humanitarian” interests and making claims of “credible fear.” For instance, a noncitizen placed in expedited removal can be referred for a credible fear interview if they express a fear of persecution, torture, or a desire to apply for asylum at any point while in custody.

Noncitizens can express this fear through various means, including simple verbal statements like “I am afraid to go to [country]” or “I am afraid of [country’s government or governing group],” or even through non-verbal indicators.

ICE facilities are required to display signs in multiple languages to remind migrants of their right to claim fear of return or seek other forms of removal protection.

Biden’s order, deriving its authority from sections 212(f) and 215(a) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, aims to streamline the process for Border Patrol agents and CBP officials to swiftly remove foreign nationals who lack legal grounds to stay in the U.S.

The suspension will remain in effect until the average number of daily border encounters drops below 1,500 over a consecutive seven-day period, extending two weeks beyond this threshold.

While the executive order is supposed to be a step in addressing illegal immigration, the internal memo highlights the various ways in which it could be bypassed, raising questions about its overall effectiveness in curbing illegal border crossings.

When asked about the executive order in an interview on ABC, Joe Biden just took it as an opportunity to make a joke about how much he hates Donald Trump.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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