Americans thought they had seen the worst of Joe Biden’s presidency. Until this latest bombshell.
Because the Texas police have uncovered this sickening truth about Joe Biden.
The state of the economy and the state of the southern border. Those are the two issues Americans are most fed up with the Biden administration over.
Joe Biden doesn’t even pretend to act like he’s lifting a finger to secure the southern border and prevent the ongoing crisis from getting any worse.
In fact, his inaction is leading to it getting worse than anyone could have ever imagined.
It’s one thing to let individuals into the country with no vetting if they are relatively harmless, like women and children.
That doesn’t make illegal immigration right, but that’s going to happen.
What we can’t let happen is let the most dangerous individuals cross over the border illegally under any circumstances.
But that’s what Joe Biden is letting happen on his watch.
According to reports, arrests of individuals on the terrorist watchlist at the southern border are up anywhere from 500% to 3,200%, depending on the timeframe.
Between fiscal years 2017 and 2020, a total of 11 individuals on the terrorist watchlist were apprehended at the southern border.
Since 2021, there’s been about 151 arrests of such individuals at the southern border.
This comes from the Customs and Border Protections statistics themselves.
Terror watchlist arrests at the southern border are surging under President Biden.
FY’23: 38 (so far)
FY’22: 98
FY’21: 15
FY’20: 3
FY’19: 0
FY’18: 6
FY’17: 2Per CBP sources, there have been approximately 1.2 million *known* gotaways since Biden took office. @FoxNews
— Bill Melugin (@BillFOXLA) January 22, 2023
News outlets recently reported that the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) also arrested a 29-year-old by the name of Alireza Heidari after he was found being smuggled into the country in the trunk of a car.
When Heidari made his way to the custody of Border Patrol, he was found to be on the terrorist watchlist with the FBI’s Terrorist Screening Database (TSDB).
Democrats and the Fake News Media are claiming that this should actually be viewed as a win for the Biden administration, but that’s simply ignoring the facts.
Heidari was arrested after being found in the United States by Texas state officers, not the border patrol agents themselves.
What that means is that this was an example of how Joe Biden’s policies are allowing the most dangerous individuals into the country without proper vetting that would deny them entry into the United States.
The CBP has also reported that there have been more than 1,200,000 “gotaways” since Joe Biden took office in January 2021.
In the first four months of Fiscal Year 2023, which began on October the first, CBP was recorded more than 300,000 “gotaways” which comes out to nearly 2,500 every single day.
If that’s not shocking, we don’t know what is.
Stay tuned to DC Daily Journal.