Top Democrat sent 2024 into chaos with a stunning betrayal of Joe Biden

The race for the White House is already an uphill battle for Biden. But now it just got so much harder.

Because a top Democrat sent 2024 into chaos with a stunning betrayal of Joe Biden.

Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker became the latest prominent blue state Democrat to criticize President Joe Biden’s inactivity on the escalating border problem.

“Not enough has been done, there’s no doubt about that,” Pritzker stated during a Sunday ABC News interview. “I think that the president needs to do more. The Congress needs to do more.”

This is not the first time the governor has taken aim at the president, as Pritzker’s state continues to bear the brunt of the Biden administration’s lax immigration policy.

In November, POLITICO reported that Pritzker had a 45-minute meeting with President Joe Biden, during which they discussed the migrant problem.

“[Pritzker] lobbied the president for humanitarian aid and expedited work permits for asylum seekers not covered by Biden’s ‘temporary protected status’ actions,” POLITICO continued. “The governor also addressed the need for federal coordination to protect asylum seekers from Chicago winter.”

Pritzker had already requested additional financial support from the president.

“Unfortunately, the welcome and aid Illinois has been providing to these asylum seekers has not been matched with support by the federal government,” Pritzker said at the time:

We ask that the White House and the Administration continue to look for ways to ‘cut the red tape’ and speed up the work authorization process by all means necessary, including instituting a mass blanket fee waiver.

Earlier in his gubernatorial stint, the Democrat supported the same lenient “open border” policies espoused by his party’s far-Left wings.

In 2021, Pritzker signed four pro-immigrant measures, as well as an executive order creating the “Welcoming Illinois Office.”

According to a press statement issued by the state administration at the time, the legislation served to:

strengthen the TRUST Act and make Illinois the second state in the nation to require local officials to end partnerships with ICE, address hate crimes against immigrant communities, expand workplace protections for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipients, and create the Illinois Immigration Impact Task Force to ensure state programs and policies best serve immigrant residents.

“Throughout my governorship I’ve directed my administration to adopt policies that make Illinois a welcoming state for immigrants, and I’m proud to sign these accountability measures into law to advance our cause,” Pritzker stated after signing the package:

Every family, every child, every human being deserves to feel safe and secure in the place they call home. I am committed to making sure that value defines what it means to live in Illinois.

During his interview on ABC News this week, Pritzker also accused Texas Republican Gov. Greg Abbott of directing migrants to Illinois and other “sanctuary jurisdictions” as part of Operation Lone Star, the Republican state administration’s three-year border security initiative.

“We have migrants that arrive from Texas virtually every day, hundreds, and we don’t have places to put them,” Pritzker said. “We don’t have enough shelter space here.”

“There are plenty of other cities where, you know, if he’s going to send people, they could be sent, but no,” he went on. “He’s choosing only Democratic states, Democratic cities.”

Maybe it’s because it’s the fault of Democrats? You ever think about that?

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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