This stunning video could mark the end of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s career

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

AOC has made a name for herself as being one of the most extreme-left politicians the country has ever seen. But her reign of terror might just be coming to a close.

Because this stunning video could mark the end of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s career.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has made shockwaves for spearheading radical Democrat pet projects for years.

In the wake of the Black Lives Matter riots, she was a leading voice in the “Defund the Police” movement, even defending rioting as a form of political expression.

Her plans for a Green New Deal include massive restrictions on energy production that could send the economy into a tailspin.

She constantly advocates for the most permissive abortion laws, going so far as to help people break the law in states that have abortion restrictions.

She even claims that men can get pregnant and experience menstruation.

But her outrageous positions and claims have left her with a vocal number of New Yorkers who won’t stand for her radicalism.

And it seems she can’t escape the whirlwind.

During a Listening Forum Event in Queens, New York, AOC was confronted by a large group of protesters in the crowd.

The group chanted “AOC has got to go.” Several of the protesters held up signs, with some reading, “F**k Joe Biden,” “Wake up New York” and “Agenda 2030 U.N. Is Dirty.”

During the “AOC has got to go” chant, Ocasio-Cortez broke into a strange dance while drinking water.

When talking about LGBTQ centers, one protester asked “So if I don’t have butt sex, I can’t have a place to live?”

“Sir, your sexual orientation has nothing to do with it,” Ocasio-Cortez responded. The man then said the centers were “racist against straight people.”

While addressing a woman in the crowd, AOC said, “Ma’am, you are saying you ask us why you’ve been talking for twenty minutes, we know why, we know why you’re mad, let’s talk about it.”

“I am not mad. There are only two f***ing genders,” the woman shouted back in response.

This comes on the heels of AOC being shouted down by Leftist protesters during a town hall in the Bronx last week.

It looks like she’s burning bridges Left and Right. And we all know what that could mean for her political career.

Stay tuned to DC Daily Journal.

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