Clarence Thomas just got attacked in the most disgusting way

Clarence Thomas

Supreme Court Justices are no longer safe. They are being targeted unlike anything we’ve seen.

And Clarence Thomas just got attacked in the most disgusting way.

Ever since Donald Trump got to pick his first Supreme Court nominee, the radical Left has been losing their minds.

Neil Gorsuch, Trump’s first pick, was met with unnecessary scrutiny during his Senate hearings, but ultimately won a narrow confirmation vote from the Senate of 54-45.

Then when Trump nominated Brett Kavanaugh to the High Court bench, the Democrats and the Left truly went nuts.

They tried to commit the worst character assassination that many had ever seen in politics, accusing Kavanaugh of being a violent criminal who should be thrown in prison.

That pick was particularly crucial because it finally shifted the majority on the bench from the liberal justices to the conservative justices.

Lastly, Trump nominating and seeing Amy Coney Barrett confirmed to the Supreme Court bench was the real icing in the cake for Trump and the conservatives hoping to restore confidence in the Supreme Court.

Democrats have been furious about this new deeply conservative Supreme Court bench, with some high-profile Democrats literally sending the Justices threats.

Chuck Schumer even said they would “pay the price” for ruling with a conservative jurisprudence.

But the threats and attacks are far from over. This time they are targeting the most conservative Justice on the bench, Justice Clarence Thomas.

Democrats are calling for Justice Clarence Thomas to be impeached, saying that he is compromised as a Justice to his political peers and even bought out by them.

A new report circulating online accuses Thomas of accepting “luxury vacations” from a Republican donor.

NPR reports:

The ProPublica investigation raises a series of potential conflicts of interest between Thomas and Harlan Crow, a billionaire businessman. Crow took Thomas and his wife, Ginni Thomas, on vacations, including cruises and private flights, that could cost millions of dollars; Thomas did not report them as part of his annual financial disclosure, according to the report.

The radical socialist U.S. House Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) says that Thomas “must be impeached.”

There’s, of course, no evidence that Justice Thomas violated any ethical codes that he should be abiding by.

There’s no law saying that Clarence Thomas can’t go on vacations with his friends who agree with him politically. There’s also no law saying that his friends can’t pay for a trip.

This is just a witch hunt to find a way to overturn the results of the confirmation process that Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Amy Barrett went through that led to the strong conservative majority on the High Court bench.

Democrats are just being hypocritical here. If they cared about judicial appointments being compromised, they’d be more concerned about the fact that the judge overseeing the Trump indictment case quite literally donated to Joe Biden in the 2020 election.

But they aren’t saying a whisper about that, now are they?

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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