Democrat goes speechless when asked this one critical question live on air

Usually Democrats expect softball questions when they go on air. No one saw this surprise coming.

Because a Democrat went speechless when asked this one critical question live on air.

Recently, it was reported that at the end of May the Biden administration’s Department of Justice filed a motion in court to prevent the American people from getting their hands (or ears, rather) on the audio transcript and recording of the interview President Biden gave during the investigation of his mishandling of classified materials.

With this being right on the heels of Donald Trump’s “guilty” verdict during the Manhattan trial that many believe was a joke from the beginning, the court filing just reeks of a double standard of justice. Joe Biden and his Democrat lackeys get every single benefit of the doubt and then some.

Meanwhile, Donald Trump is apparently supposed to be next to crucified for even hurting a fly. It’s just laughable at this point and the double standard is growing too obvious to ignore. Even Democrat-sympathetic outlets are having to ask the tough questions.

Just consider this truly ridiculous example of a Democrat congressman trying to defend the indefensible decision to keep this audio transcript from the American people. Check out the way the CNN host shuts up the Democrat to hammer home the point.

CNN Anchor Questions Rep. Eric Swalwell on DOJ’s Refusal to Release Biden Interview Audio

In a recent interview, CNN anchor Alisyn Camerota pressed Democratic California Rep. Eric Swalwell regarding the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) decision to withhold audio recordings of President Joe Biden’s interview with special counsel Robert Hur. While lawmakers have demanded access to these audio recordings, the DOJ has only provided the interview transcripts, sparking controversy and calls for transparency.

Camerota directly addressed the issue with Swalwell, questioning the potential harm in releasing the audio tapes. “One of the Republicans’ issues with Attorney General Garland yesterday is that they want the audio tapes from the interview between President Biden and special counsel Robert Hur,” she stated.

“They think there must be something damning on there that they’re not hearing and the attorney general refuses to hand them over. He’s already provided the transcripts, the written transcripts. But he won’t provide the audio. CNN, by the way, would like to hear the audio too. What’s the harm in handing over the audio?”

Swalwell responded by emphasizing that the investigation had concluded with no findings of wrongdoing. He pointed out that Hur, a prosecutor appointed by former President Donald Trump and designated as special counsel by Attorney General Merrick Garland, had been allowed to testify.

“DOJ allowed Robert Hur to come testify… The transcript was provided and actually Hur testified that at one point he told the president that the president had a photographic recall of his own house and where the materials were. So to me it just seems like there’s no end to what they would want to do,” Swalwell remarked. He further speculated that if the audio were released, Republicans might continue to demand more, such as videotapes or even polygraph tests.

Despite Hur’s report in February detailing Biden’s handling of classified documents and deciding against pressing charges, the report noted some inconsistencies in Biden’s recollections during his five-hour interview. Specifically, Biden appeared to struggle with remembering the timeline of his vice presidency and the death of his son, Beau Biden.

Camerota persisted, asking again about the harm of releasing the audio, to which Swalwell elaborated on the DOJ’s broader policy concerns. He referenced Attorney General Garland’s explanation that this policy of withholding evidence in closed investigations is not unique to President Biden but also applies to other cases, such as the closed s*x tr*fficking investigation involving Matt Gaetz.

Garland argued that protecting the integrity of closed investigations prevents unnecessary smearing of individuals when sufficient information has already been provided.

The debate over the audio recordings has escalated, with the House Oversight Committee marking up a resolution to hold Attorney General Garland in contempt of Congress on May 16 for his refusal to hand over the recordings.

It will be interesting to see if a second Donald Trump administration would have the authority and/or the inclination to retroactively release this audio recording of the Biden-DOJ interview that the Democrats in Washington, D.C. seem so intent on keeping from the American public.

You can watch the segment from CNN’s broadcast using the video player below:

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