All hell broke loose when a Biden official went on MSNBC to answer one question

The Biden administration is an utter disgrace. They’re still a mess three years in.

And now a Biden official looks as dumb as a doornail with this airheaded answer in an MSNBC interview.

For more than three years now, Americans have had to watch the Biden regime flounder every time they try to do anything at all. The economy, national security, domestic peace, and much more have all suffered under the Joe Biden tenure because the Biden regime is ultimately unqualified.

The Fake News Media giants like CNN, MSNBC, ABC, spend much of their airtime to play the cover game for Joe Biden and company, however. As bad as CNN is, the worst just might be MSNBC especially after this latest absolutely insane interview between an MSNBC host and a top Biden official.

MSNBC host Andrea Mitchell invited Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen on to discuss a number of matters, including the economy, China, the state of national security, and more.

Andrea Mitchell tried to set up Janet Yellen for a softball pitch that was designed to allow Yellen to have a jab at the new boogeyman for the radical Left, Elon Musk, the new owner of X (former known as Twitter).

What for? Well, now apparently Elon Musk is a “national security threat,” in Mitchell’s blinded estimation. And how so? Well he is too good of a business man, of course!

“Let me finally ask you about a New York Times report, but other reporting that we have done on Elon Musk and his relationship with China,” Mitchell started out saying to Yellen.

“Obviously Tesla competing now against their cheaper EVs, but he is really dependent on that Chinese market, very tied in with them. He has huge defense contracts. His satellites or the satellites we rely on for so much of our communication. Is it a national security problem for — and his rockets, of course — isn’t it a national security problem for our government to have so much reliance on this one entrepreneur?” Yellen was asked by Mitchell.

Yellen’s response? Well it wasn’t exactly graceful. Not just that, but she dodged the question entirely. She didn’t even answer to what Mitchell was asking, and what she did say was just completely dimwitted.

“Well, look, we take national security very seriously and want to protect our national security,” the Treasury Secretary started out saying.

“Our desire is not to shut down economic relations with China. We want to diversify our supply chains, but many American firms operate in China and gain from the ability to sell to China’s large market,” Yellen added on.

What? What is she trying to say? She said a whole bunch of nothing. Everyone knows that no one wants to “shut down” economic relations with a giant nation full of billions of people like China. Who was trying to suggest that?

Mitchell wanted to give Yellen an opportunity to have a good jab at Elon Musk, but it completely went over Yellen’s head. Not just a little bit either, that was over her head like a plane taking off.

Yellen went on to say more of the same in her expounding on her initial answer.

“We want to stabilize that relationship, not shut it down. But also, we need to make sure that the playing field is level, and we are concerned about Chinese subsidies and the impact on our firms.”

You can watch their interraction below:

This is pretty hilarious for a couple reasons. First of all, Mitchell’s attempt to get someone to agree with her radical anti-Elon Musk opinions completely blew up in her face as Yellen didn’t even get it.

Secondly, what in the world is Yellen doing as the Treasury Secretary answering questions about national security? She is hardly up to speed on what’s going on with federal spending and the economy, so how does anyone expect her to have any intelligible answer on a national security matter?

MSNBC is a joke and there’s no way around it. They embarrass themselves everytime they get in front of a camera.

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