Donald Trump hit his Georgia prosecutors with this staggering reality check

Donald Trump

Former President Donald Trump is not one to give up. He’s going to fight back with everything he’s got.

And Donald Trump hit his Georgia prosecutors with this astonishing reality check.

News of the latest indictment against Donald Trump yesterday once again rocked the fabric of American society.

Half the country can see all these indictments for what they are, a political game and tool to make sure Donald Trump can’t win in 2024.

Whether or not that will work is anyone’s guess. The polls suggest Donald Trump is doing better than ever, and his fundraising continues to be top-notch.

Simply put, if they were hoping he would bow out of the race for President in 2024, that’s not going to happen.

If anything, Donald Trump is digging his heels further into the ground and cementing his position that he is innocent and that these indictments are a witch hunt.

This past weekend, ahead of the announcement out of Georgia that he was being indicted for election crimes, Donald Trump eviscerated the prosecutors investigating the case.

He asked a very important question that many want to know the answer to.

Trump took to his Truth Social account to ask why the Leftist prosecutors in Georgia were more concerned with targeting him than defending citizens of Georgia from violent crimes.

He alleged that Atlanta, Georgia is having “record numbers” of homicides.

“Why is ‘Phoney’ (Like in PERFECT ‘PHONE’ CALL, get it?) Fani Willis, the severely underperforming D.A. of Fulton County who is being accused of having an ‘affair’ with a Gang Member of a group that she is prosecuting, leaking my name in regard to a Grand Jury pertaining to Election Fraud & Irregularities that I say took place in Georgia,” Trump began.

Then he dropped the hammer.

“I made a PERFECT PHONE CALL OF PROTEST. What does Phoney Fani have to do with me? She should instead focus on the record number of murders in Atlanta!”

Later in the day, Donald Trump shared on Truth Social that he believes the only election interference came from Fulton County, Georgia and did not come from himself.

What’s interesting about this indictment is that it seems as though Donald Trump has the direct and indirect support of the majority of Americans.

Polls indicate that most Americans believe our politicians should move on from the 2020 election to look forward for the future of America.

Donald Trump, to be fair, hasn’t completely let go of what he believes was an unfair election in 2020. But he has actually been suggesting policy changes to help the American economy, foreign policy, and more.

The Biden administration seems more content with doing a whole bunch of nothing and hoping the ship turns around.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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