Lara Trump causes total chaos at CPAC with this one statement

The Trump family will never muzzle themselves. But no one saw this coming.

And Lara Trump caused total chaos at CPAC with this one statement.

The issue of election security and integrity has been on the minds of conservatives ever since the conclusion of the contentious 2020 President election.

Whether or not they are right, Americans all over the country have grown seriously concerned that there may be bad players involved in trying to swing elections one way or another.

The Big Media establishment has been insistent to brush off any of those accusations, even in the face of some interesting evidence coming out to show some instances of blatant voter fraud.

One Democrat from Queens, New York was charged for trying to file dozens of falsified absentee ballot requests during the Democrat primaries in 2022.

In response, Republicans in state legislatures have been passing laws to address concerns of election insecurity like shortened voting windows and voter I.D. laws.

That makes Lara Trump’s latest comments at the CPAC conference so very interesting.

Lara Trump, who is gunning for the Republican National Committee Co-Chair role, said in a speech that she believes Republican voters need to be encouraged to follow the direction of the Democrats and widen the voting process over a period of weeks.

“As Republicans, I get it. We’d like to go vote on Election Day. It’s exciting to be a part of that day, deciding to fill out the ballot for the future leader of our country and can even get a little sticker and then you can take a photo posted on social media. I know that. But the truth is, if we want to compete with the Democrats, we cannot wait until election day,” Lara Trump said to her crowd at the conference.

“If we want to come in when we must embrace early voting. The days of waiting until election day to vote are over,” she added.

These comments are a stark difference from the approach of most conservative legislators who have been seeking tighter voting windows and voter ID requirements.

Donald Trump himself has signaled support for tighter election regulations to help stave off any potential bad actors seeking to abuse the system.

Lara Trump continued saying that she isn’t seeking to fight “fire with fire” but that she wants to eclipse what the Democrats are doing with their Get Out the Vote (GoTV) campaigns.

She said she would promote the “most secure election operation” that the Republican party had “ever seen.”

“We must fight fire not with fire but with dynamite, and we will build the strongest most secure election operation that this party has ever seen,” Lara Trump added.

“If elected as co-chair of the RNC, I can promise you we will not be giving blank checks to career political consultants and vendors.”

It will be interesting to see if this new approach to GoTV campaigns for the Republican party gains support amongst conservatives around the country.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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