Presidential candidate gets thrown off the ballot and now everyone’s panicking

The ever-changing election rules in this country has been an increasing cause for concern. Now it’s getting out of hand.

And a presidential candidate gets thrown off the ballot and now everyone’s panicking.

Back in 2020, Americans sat and watched from the sidelines as election laws were changed just months out from the presidential election.

Mail-in voting became commonplace and plenty saw the quick changes as moving too fast without any real plan to implement.

Well, that isn’t happening right now. Now they’re just trying to throw candidates off the ballot.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., an independent presidential contender, has sued Nevada’s secretary of state over his interpretation of state ballot access regulations.

Nevada Secretary of State Francisco Aguilar was named in the case for his interpretation of a law requiring a candidate to include a solidified running partner in their petition to run for office.

The interpretation would force the Kennedy campaign, which has pledged to appear on the ballot in all 50 states, to start over with their petition in Nevada.

“This is a clear case for the federal court to apply the doctrine of equitable estoppel to prohibit the Secretary of State from changing his mind after providing binding statutory instruction upon which the campaign properly relied to our detriment,” Kennedy campaign senior counsel Paul Rossi said.

“The court must prohibit what was either rank incompetence or partisan political gamesmanship by the Secretary from invalidating petition signatures afforded the highest First Amendment protection by the United States Supreme Court,” he said.

Kennedy’s action seeks an immediate injunction to prevent the execution of Aguilar’s interpretation of Nevada’s ballot laws for third-party candidates.

The complaint claims that Nevada’s “ambiguous and conflicting” ballot regulations are illegal because they impose different standards on third-party candidates than on mainstream politicians.

“Nevada has a rich history of independent and third party candidates for office. Each of those candidates managed to attain ballot access by following the law. We look forward to seeing Mr. Kennedy’s team in court,” Aguilar said in a statement.

Earlier this year, the Kennedy campaign gained approval from state officials to appear on the ballot without naming a running mate, which the state has since called an “error.”

The campaign has since announced Nicole Shanahan as Kennedy’s running mate.

According to the campaign, the petition form “provides only a single line for a single candidate.”

Keep in mind, there isn’t really a path to victory for the Kennedy campaign.

If anything, they can influence who will win, whether it be Biden or Trump, but they’re dreaming if they think they’ll end up in the White House.

In a late-April poll in Nevada, Kennedy received 7.7% of the vote, while former President Donald Trump maintained his advantage over President Joe Biden in the important battleground state.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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