Biden went to the Supreme Court begging on his knees and you won’t believe what for

Joe Biden

It’s no secret the Biden administration is in desperation mode for some type of victory. They are desperate to turn things around and fast.

That’s why Biden went to the Supreme Court begging on his knees, and you’ll be stunned when you find out what for.

Ahead of the 2022 midterms, Joe Biden announced that he would be canceling up to $20,000 in student debt per household, or $10,000 for an individual.

It proved to be a super controversial move.

Millions of Americans called out how unfair it is to dole out thousands to people who willingly took out loans for school.

Others noted how the federal government truly can’t afford such reckless spending on top of all the other insane debt they’ve racked up.

And immediately the order to cancel the debt with taxpayer dollars was met with fierce legal opposition.

The latest of which comes from a federal appeals court in Illinois that placed an injunction on student loan forgiveness.

This means Joe Biden’s promise to cancel student debt and in turn, cater to young voters has been made void, at least temporarily.

Naturally, Joe Biden is in a frenzy to get this overturned and fast.

The Biden administration has already requested the Supreme Court to reinstate his student debt forgiveness program.

Laughably, the Biden admin says the St. Louis court is wrong because it leaves “millions of economically vulnerable borrowers in limbo…”

The reality is that no one is at fault for the economic state of Americans who borrowed money that they may not be able to pay back.

And expecting taxpayers to foot the bill is completely opposite of what our Founding Fathers had in mind when building this nation.

Some are arguing that Biden knew the student loan forgiveness was unconstitutional when he announced it but did it to save face for the Democrats ahead of the November elections.

Legal experts have noted that the White House’s order certainly doesn’t have much legal precedence and that’s what makes the forgiveness plan so vulnerable.

And with a 6-3 conservative majority, the Supreme Court certainly has a more conservative jurisprudential makeup compared to decades in the past.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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