Catholic Bishop eviscerated Joe Biden in this brutal takedown

Biden pretends to be a faithful member of the Catholic Church. But even his own Church is calling him out.

And this Catholic Bishop eviscerated Joe Biden in one brutal takedown.

Joe Biden has been pushing every single radical agenda item of the Democrat Party for time immemorial.

This past Easter, he declared Easter Sunday as “Transgender Day of Visibility”:

If that wasn’t egregious enough, just a couple months ago, his administration reaffirmed its support of so-called “reproductive freedom,” which includes access to abortion-on-demand, on the White House website.

It may run contrary to the Catholic faith, but it doesn’t run contrary to Biden’s political aspirations.

And now leaders in the Church are calling him out.

Bishop Thomas Paprocki of the Diocese of Springfield, Illinois, issued a video statement on Thursday criticizing President Joe Biden for using the Sign of the Cross at a recent pro-abortion gathering.

“Last month on April 23, Biden compounded his support for the sin of abortion by making the Sign of the Cross during an abortion rally in Tampa, FL,” said Paprocki.

“Making the Sign of the Cross is one of the most profound gestures a Catholic can make in showing reverence for Christ’s death on the Cross and belief in the Holy Trinity.”

“To misuse this sacred death is to make a mockery of our Catholic faith,” the cardinal said.

In the video, Paprocki cited Spanish Archbishop José Ignacio Munilla, who criticized Biden’s “sacrilegious gesture” on Radio María España.

“Bishop Munilla said that crossing oneself is meant to be used as a sign in which we remember that Jesus gave his life for us,” Paprocki said, and quoted Munilla: “He gave his life for all the innocents. He gave his life to restore innocence and to make us saints.”

“To use the sign of the Cross as Biden did, however, is to invoke the Cross in a sacrilegious manner,” Paprocki stated.

“I fully support Bishop Munilla and agree with what he said.”

Paprocki then quoted Paragraph 2120 of the Catholic Church’s Catechism, which defines sacrilege as “profaning or treating unworthily the sacraments and other liturgical actions, as well as persons, things, or places, constituted to God.”

“Sacrilege is a grave sin,” Paprocki stated.

Paprocki also recalled Cardinal Wilton Gregory’s late March speech on CBS, where the archbishop of Washington, D.C., dubbed Biden a “cafeteria Catholic,” particularly regarding life issues.

Paprocki continued, “I fully support Cardinal Gregory and agree with what he said.”

Watch the full statement below:

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