Former President Trump has been under attack in the courts for months now. The Never-Trumpers are scared he’ll handily beat a feeble Biden in 2024.
But Chief Justice Roberts gave Donald Trump one notice that stunned all of Washington, D.C.
The Fake News Media and the Democrats have been doing everything in their power to keep the smear campaign against Donald Trump going even though he’s out of office.
Everyone knows it’s because he is heavily rumored to run in 2024, which is proving to be a disaster year for Democrats with Biden severely underwater in the eyes of the American people.
Trump has been hit with everything from an unconstitutional raid from the FBI and the DOJ to subpoena’s from the do-nothing Jan. 6 committee.
One of the smear campaigns the Democrats have yet to let go of is Donald Trump’s tax returns.
House Democrats in the House Ways and Means Committee ordered Trump to hand over his personal tax returns from the IRS.
But Donald Trump just might find relief from the Democrats’ faux “investigations.”
The Supreme Court’s Chief Justice John Roberts has decided to put a temporary stay on the release of Donald Trump’s tax returns for the House Ways and Means Committee.
The stay from Roberts is temporary and he’s requested a response on the matter due November 10.
But by then the Republicans will have likely won back control of the U.S. House from the midterm elections, and typically partisan committee moves like these come to a screeching halt when a new party takes control.
According to CNN:
Chief Justice John Roberts agreed to temporarily put on hold a lower court order requiring the release of former President Donald Trump’s tax returns by the Internal Revenue Service to a Democratic-led House committee.
The tax returns had been set to be turned over to the House Ways and Means Committee later this week.
This comes as Donald Trump was handed another big win from the Supreme Court as a stay was issued on his subpoena from the Jan. 6 committee led by Democrats and two Trump-hating RINOs.
That ruling surprisingly came from the extremely liberal Justice Elena Kagan.
Similarly, the subpoena from the Jan. 6 committee just might become moot as Republicans are poised to take back the House and likely disband the Jan. 6 committee altogether.
This all follows an all too familiar story Americans have seen play out time and again regarding Donald Trump.
Democrats and Never-Trump RINOs have made a concerted effort for six years to commit character assassination of Trump.
Countless “investigations” have been launched to find absolutely anything that could be spun against Trump and his allies, specifically to prevent him from gaining power in office.
The tax return debacle from the Democrats is just another partisan attack because they know that Biden is a sitting duck come 2024.
Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.