Donald Trump advisor tells him to take this drastic action day one in office

If Trump wins in November, he’s inheriting a mess. One issue in particular is at a critical level.

As Donald Trump’s advisor has begged him to take this important, drastic action day one in the White House.

In an essay published on Tuesday, Robert O’Brien, former national security advisor to President Donald Trump, asserted that Trump should adopt a much stricter approach toward China if he wins the upcoming November election. O’Brien, writing for Foreign Affairs magazine, criticized the Biden administration’s handling of China, suggesting it has emboldened Beijing, necessitating a significant policy shift.

O’Brien emphasized the escalating threat posed by China, noting that Beijing’s aggressive stance has intensified under Biden’s leadership. He recommended that Trump should sever economic ties with China and consider deploying the entire Marine Corps to the Asia-Pacific region as a countermeasure.

“Since the start of his presidency, Biden has sent conflicting signals regarding the threat from Beijing,” O’Brien stated. He pointed out Biden’s inconsistent statements about China’s economy, labeling it a “ticking time bomb” while simultaneously expressing a desire not to contain China and wishing for its success. O’Brien argued that such contradictory remarks downplay the adversarial nature of China.

According to O’Brien, China has grown increasingly hostile, boosting its economic and military capabilities, threatening Taiwan, engaging in cyberwarfare against the U.S., and evading accountability for the COVID-19 pandemic. Additionally, China has strengthened alliances with several anti-Western nations, including Russia and Iran.

“In response to China’s efforts to weaken American economic and military strength, Washington should reciprocate,” O’Brien proposed. He suggested that Trump should decouple the U.S. economy from China by imposing a 60% tariff on Chinese imports and tightening export controls on sensitive U.S. technologies that could benefit Beijing.

While advocating for open communication channels with Beijing, O’Brien recommended that the U.S. refocus its Pacific diplomacy. He proposed relocating one of the U.S. Navy’s aircraft carriers from the Atlantic to the Pacific and suggested that the Pentagon consider assigning the entire Marine Corps to the Pacific, shifting its focus away from missions in the Middle East and North Africa.

O’Brien also addressed the modernization and expansion of China and Russia’s nuclear programs. He urged Trump to resume live underground nuclear testing, halted since 1992, and to restart the production of uranium and plutonium elements critical for nuclear weapons if diplomatic efforts to control arms proliferation fail.

A copy of O’Brien’s essay was provided to a Trump campaign advisor and subsequently delivered to Trump, Bloomberg reported. O’Brien recently confirmed that he maintains regular contact with Trump and remains a strong advocate for his reelection.

“In November, Americans have the chance to re-elect a president who restored peace through strength and can do so again,” O’Brien concluded.

Mr. O’Brien is currently expected to return in a national security role should Donald Trump secure a second term in office. He’s even been involved in meetings with current foreign national leaders like Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu in the wake of the Israel-Gaza conflict.

The difficulty within American conservative politics in approaching the issue of China’s rise to dominance stems from a fundamental divide in strategic perspectives. This divide can be categorized into two main camps: those advocating for direct military deterrence and economic stifling, and those who believe in a more hands-off approach, expecting China’s economy to implode on its own.

Advocates for Direct Military Deterrence and Economic Stifling

This camp views China as an immediate and serious threat to U.S. global dominance, national security, and economic interests. They argue that China’s military expansion, aggressive territorial claims, especially in the South China Sea, and technological advancements require a robust and proactive response.

They support aggressive economic measures such as tariffs, sanctions, and restrictions on Chinese investments and technology companies. The goal is to weaken China’s economic power and slow its technological advancements, which are seen as integral to its military capabilities.

This group also favors strengthening the U.S. military presence in the Asia-Pacific region, enhancing alliances with countries like Japan, South Korea, and Australia, and increasing defense spending to counter Chinese military growth.

Advocates for a Hands-off Approach

This camp believes that China’s economic model, which relies heavily on state intervention, massive debt, and a controlled market, is unsustainable in the long run. They argue that China’s economic growth will naturally hit insurmountable barriers, leading to an economic implosion without the need for U.S. intervention.

They caution against unnecessary provocation that could lead to military conflict. They argue that a more measured approach reduces the risk of escalating tensions into open warfare, which would be catastrophic for global stability and the U.S. economy.

Some in this camp suggest that the U.S. should prioritize domestic issues, such as rebuilding infrastructure, improving education, and addressing economic inequality, to enhance its own competitiveness rather than engaging in costly foreign entanglements.

The difficulty in approaching China’s rise within American conservative politics lies in balancing the perceived need for immediate and assertive action to counter a growing threat against the belief that overreaction could be costly and unnecessary, given China’s potential internal economic weaknesses.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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