The Democrats may win the White House this November. But they’re making a generational mistake.
And this colossal Democrat Party blunder has left Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis speechless.
There was little doubt that Donald Trump was going to secure the Republican Party nomination when the primary season actually got underway and it was time for Americans to pick their preferred GOP candidate for office of the President.
The raid on Donald Trump’s home in Mar-a-Lago followed by months of the most intense politically-motivated legal hit-jobs really infuriated the conservative base to stick it to the establishment and get Donald Trump another shot at a second term in the White House. No one in American history has been so deviously persecuted like Donald Trump has been, being hit with unconstitutional home raids, dozens of criminal charges and indictments, and law-fare unlike anyone had ever seen.
The other GOP superstar, Ron DeSantis, no longer stood a shot to make his case that he was the one to get behind. He would go back to being the Republican Governor of Florida, putting in the work to improve the state, as he has over the past five years.
This has led to some Democrats cheering that Ron DeSantis’ political career is over. One top Democrat strategist and ally of Kamala Harris, James Carville, made his joy that Ron DeSantis wasn’t in the national picture right now abundantly clear in a podcast he hosts called Politics War Room.
Carville declared that DeSantis is “done” and “toast.” He argued that the Trump supporters will never support him ever again. He said DeSantis has “no place to go.”
“DeSantis is done, all right? He is toast. He can’t go back to the Trump people,” Carville argued on the podcast. “The Moms for Liberty are getting slaughtered. Big flash point, people don’t like book burners, okay? They went all into that. I’m very reluctant to declare anyone’s political career over, but DeSantis, you may be done, dude. You’re just done. I don’t know if you’ve got a place to go.”
Carville’s comments represent a key mistake that Democrats are making, one that Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis are quite content to let Democrats make. That mistake is pretending like the next Republican presidential candidate will be another milquetoast RINO (Republican In Name Only) like Mitt Romney or John McCain.
While it is true that Ron DeSantis did not get close to winning the Republican primary against Donald Trump, the fact remains that he was the clear second choice if Donald Trump decided to not run in 2024. All the surveys showed that Ron DeSantis was the favorite amongst Trump supporters if they were forced to pick a different candidate.
Not all Donald Trump voters view Ron DeSantis favorably, but a majority of them do. A University of New Hampshire poll from January of this year found that around 70% of Donald Trump supporters would have picked DeSantis as their second choice. Only 20% would have picked Nikki Haley.
Democrats Run The Risk Of A Terrible 2028 Election
If Carville thinks that DeSantis has no political future, he needs to put down the bottle and reconsider. In fact, if Kamala Harris sneaks past Donald Trump this November to win, a nightmare scenario is awaiting them.
Let’s assume Kamala Harris wins in November. She’s not going to be a strong President, as she’s extremely incompetent and in over her head. This will create a terrible environment for her to make a case for a second term in 2028. She likely won’t fix the border crisis and it’ll just be a disaster by the time 2028 rolls around.
There’s no reason to assume that Ron DeSantis is incapable of running and winning the GOP nomination in 2028, and that would be a true worst-case for Harris and the Democrats.
Kamala Harris does have the youth factor in her corner running against Donald Trump. She would not have that benefit running against Ron DeSantis, who is just 45-years-old. Combine that with the fact that Ron DeSantis is massively popular and successful in the state of Florida, and it’s a perfect storm.
They can declare Ron DeSantis is politically dead all they want. They can gloat all they want. But if Kamala Harris has a rough four yeras, which is all but certain if she manages to win despite her being unqualified, the American people will be even more fed up than ever before. They will want someone who really is not playing around and has a record of getting policy done that actually helps American citizens.
RON DESANTIS: "We don't issue ID cards, driver's licenses to people here illegally. We don't allow counties or municipalities to do it, and we don't allow private organizations to do it."
"We don't do that. We don't recognize any of that." pic.twitter.com/Ypxnq9mLOw
— Florida’s Voice (@FLVoiceNews) August 28, 2024
Insert Ron DeSantis. His message to actually deal with the cartel once and for all with the military may be too strong to stomach for right now. In 2028 after a dystopian four years of Harris, that may no longer be the case. Ron DeSantis’ strong approach to accomplishing what he says he’s going to accomplish and not letting anyone get in his way will resonate with Americans.
At that time, the attacks on his character by calling him a “fascist” won’t land. They won’t stick, and Harris and the Democrats will be in massive trouble. All because they insisted on Kamala Harris and declared the Trump/DeSantis movement over.
Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.