Donald Trump couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw who just publicly defended him

Chris Cuomo

There’s no getting around the fact that Trump has dominated the political conversation for six years now. The intense polarization doesn’t seem to be changing either.

That’s why Donald Trump couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw who just publicly defended him.

The Fake News Media and their talking heads made it their mission to spend almost every hour of their broadcasting time dedicated to smearing Donald Trump.

You couldn’t turn on CNN without finding intense vitriol and hate from networks like CNN, MSNBC, and ABC.

One of these insufferable talking heads was Chris Cuomo from CNN.

Cuomo was infamously fired by CNN late last year for allegedly assisting in covering up former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s sexual harassment and assault accusations.

It was seen a mile away considering the brothers were both in high places in media and political circles.

Fast forward to today, and Cuomo might be letting some of his Trump Derangement Syndrome go.

Recently, he took to Twitter to defend Trump’s supporters in a slew of tweets. Something he almost certainly would never do live on air at CNN.

Check them out below.

This isn’t to say Cuomo has suddenly been red-pilled and can “see the light” all of a sudden.

But it does expose how truly unhinged the radical Left has grown.

Our Democrat President, Joe Biden, has made it his mission to demonize Donald Trump and all of his supporters as of late.

It’s not only acceptable in Democrat and Leftist circles to intensely hate and disparage conservatives who won’t bend their knee.

It’s now all but required to be a “good” Democrat or Leftist activist.

Chris Cuomo will likely always be a die-hard blue voter as long as he lives.

So him pointing out that the Left has grown far too obsessed with Donald Trump and his supporters truly says something.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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