Ted Cruz just sent a warning shot to Mitch McConnell that left him shaking in fear

Mitch McConnell

After the Republican’s lackluster showing in the Midterm elections, conservatives are looking for answers. Someone is to blame for the Republicans’ failure to take the Senate.

And Ted Cruz just sent a warning shot to Mitch McConnell that left him shaking in fear.

If you followed the polls right up to election night this November, you would have thought Republicans had a landslide in the bag.

Not only were they supposed to pick up 30-40 seats in the House of Representatives, but some polls showed them snagging a 53-47 Senate majority.

But instead of the Red Wave, many had hoped for, conservatives were handed a mixed bag of great results in some places and terrible losses in others.

In Florida, Ron DeSantis led Republicans to a massive landslide victory, winning by 19 points.

Where places like Pennsylvania, Trump-endorsed Mehmet Oz lost to a Democrat John Fetterman who recently had a stroke and couldn’t put a coherent sentence together.

With all of this to digest, Republicans are starting to place blame where it is due – their leadership.

And Texas Senator Ted Cruz didn’t hold back in his recent episode of “Verdict with Ted Cruz.”

Co-host Ben Ferguson asked him about his feelings regarding the Midterms, and Cruz unleashed, saying, “Well, Ben, let me start off by saying I am so pissed off, I cannot even see straight.”

“We had an extraordinary opportunity. We had a generational opportunity. This should have been a fundamental landslide election. We should have won the House and the Senate. We should have a 30, 40, 50 vote majority in the House. We should have 53, 54, 55 Republicans in the Senate,” Cruz continued.

According to Fox News, Mitch McConnell’s PAC yanked $8 million in campaign spending from Arizona after Masters won his primary election.

Cruz was also asked if McConnell would contribute to the campaign of Georgia Republican Senate candidate Herschel Walker in a run-off election.

Cruz responded that he most likely will, but that the GOP could have won Arizona.

“Oh, look, I’m sure he will raise money and invest in the race … But if you look at this last cycle, Mitch McConnell pulled the money out of Arizona. We could have won — won Arizona. We nearly won Arizona and abandoning Blake Masters was indefensible,” Cruz said.

“Explain to me, Senator, why in a race where the polling showed that we had a legitimate chance of winning there. Why did he pull out that money from Masters who desperately needed it?” Ferguson asked Cruz.

“Because Masters said he would vote against Mitch McConnell, and so Mitch would rather be leader than have a Republican majority. If there’s a Republican who can win, who’s not gonna support Mitch, the truth of the matter is he’d rather the Democrat win. So he pulled all the money out of Arizona,” Cruz responded.

Cruz noted that Republicans taking back the House does blunt Biden’s agenda, but their failure to take power in the Senate could open America up to even more attacks from the Left.

Cruz lamented the fact that “the country is screwed for the next four years” due to the GOP’s failure to regain the majority, saying “because of this, we’re gonna see horrible Left-wing judges confirmed for the next two years, because of this. We’re gonna see judges taking away our free speech rights, our religious liberty rights, our Second Amendment rights. It is an enormous missed opportunity. And I gotta say, it is hard to describe my feelings as anything other than rage,” Cruz finished.

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