The war over the Supreme Court is not ending anytime soon. It’s only just begun.
And what happened after the Supreme Court sent Democrats this direct order is nuts.
At the end of the 2021-2022 Supreme Court term in June of 2022, the Supreme Court ruled that a New York law that had tried to restrict the Second Amendment rights for New York citizens was unconstitutional.
The ruling also made it clear that any similar law would need to be rewritten or taken off the books entirely because they were in direct violation of the U.S. Constitution, particularly the First, Second, and Fourteenth Amendments.
The Democrat Party doesn’t seem to care about this direct order, though. Instead, they are charging on in their attempts to control Americans and their God-given right to keep and bear arms.
New concealed-carry regulations proposed by California lawmakers this week appear to conflict with the 2022 Supreme Court case that overturned such limitations.
On Tuesday, the California State Senate voted to approve Senate Bill 2, which tightens the requirements for obtaining a concealed-carry permit and adds new age limits, stricter storage laws, and a list of dozens of “sensitive places” where firearms are not allowed. Only one Democrat joined all Republicans in voting down the measure on the Senate floor.
Now Governor Gavin Newsom must decide whether or not to sign the law by October 14th.
Provisions of the measure stipulate that those seeking a permit to carry a concealed weapon must be at least 21 years old and receive at least 16 hours of training with a handgun. Anyone applying can be disqualified if their application raises safety concerns. The Los Angeles Times reports that licensing agencies like county sheriff’s departments would be responsible for conducting in-person interviews with candidates, checking references, and perusing social media profiles in order to spot potential threats.
The measure also prohibits the possession of firearms in certain public areas, including but not limited to schools, courts, government offices, jails, hospitals, airports, and bars. Unless the business owner opts out, all commercial establishments would be designated as gun-free zones.
Gun control regulations in California are among the toughest in the country. After an unsuccessful attempt to pass a concealed-carry bill in the state legislature in August, Democratic state senator Anthony Portantino sponsored the gun-control initiative in December.
Portantino told the Sacramento Bee on Tuesday, “I think the impact is going to be significant,” in reference to SB 2. “Having a gun is a responsibility, and what we’re doing is defining who should have that responsibility and who shouldn’t.”
As a result of the Supreme Court’s decision in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen this summer, it is anticipated that the new measure, once approved by Newsom, will create a legal fight for Second Amendment rights that might go all the way to the Supreme Court.
The Court struck down New York’s “proper-cause” rule, which had made it difficult to carry a concealed weapon in public, by a decision of 6-3 in June 2022. The precedent that was set invalidated rules in California and other jurisdictions that demanded applicants for concealed carry licenses to explain their motivations for doing so.
Due to the urgency provision requiring two-thirds rather than a simple majority vote, the California Assembly was unable to enact a gun-control law last year in response to the Court’s decision. The state has once again tried to circumvent the verdict via SB 2.
The Supreme Court “forced California to reevaluate how we do concealed-carry permits,” Portantino told the Los Angeles Times. “This is setting up a statewide standard to determine who should and shouldn’t be trusted with the responsibility of having a concealed-carry permit.”
Governor Newsom and Attorney General Rob Bonta are both in favor of the new law.
After the Assembly passed SB 2 on Monday, Newsom said in a statement, “There’s a reason why you’re far less likely to die from bullets in California.” “We’re using every tool we can to make our streets and neighborhoods safer from gun violence.”
The Democrats in California try to act like they are protecting their citizens by taking away their right to keep and bear arms, but the reality is that violent crime is on the rise in the Sunshine State overall.
So they boast about taking guns away from law-abiding Americans, meanwhile their efforts aren’t accomplishing what they want in decreasing overall violent crime. That should be the end goal of all criminal law.
Passing this law is not only going to accomplish nothing, but it’s basically flipping the bird to the U.S. Supreme Court for their 2022 ruling on a similar New York law. This disregard for the legitimacy of the U.S. Supreme Court is on the rise in Democrat circles.
The concern is what happens when it finally comes to a head.
Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.