What President Biden just had the DOJ do for him has Americans grabbing their pitchforks

The Biden administration has gone full authoritarian. This news is utterly despicable.

And now Americans are grabbing for pitchforks after what Biden just had the DOJ do for him.

The hypocrisy of the Democrats is almost too much to stomach anymore. Hypocritical politicians are about as old as beer and wine. But the modern Democrat Party has really taken it to a next level. They are showing 1984 levels of delusion.

President Biden has already been facing intense scrutiny for his administration’s abuse of the federal government to go after political opponents and ultimately protect their own Democrat allies.

He’s just gone way overboard, though. He’s weaponizing his power in a new way that few in American history ever would have thought of even trying. This time not against a political opponent, but to save his own goose.

President Joe Biden has invoked executive privilege over the audio recordings of his interview with special counsel Robert Hur. Hur, the Republican federal prosecutor, decided not to recommend charges against Biden regarding his handling of classified documents.

In his report, Hur mentioned that one reason for not pursuing a case was the possibility that Biden could be seen sympathetically by a jury, portraying himself as an “elderly man with a poor memory.” Biden, however, defended his capabilities, and Attorney General Merrick Garland later described it as “absurd” to consider blocking Hur’s remarks about the president’s memory.

White House counsel Ed Siskel informed Representatives James Comer (R-Ky.) and Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) of the decision in a letter on Thursday. This action followed Garland’s recommendation that Biden assert executive privilege. The Department of Justice had already provided House Republicans with transcripts of the interviews.

Carlos Felipe Uriarte, a Justice Department official, wrote to Jordan and Comer, noting, “It is the longstanding position of the executive branch held by administrations of both parties that an official who asserts the President’s claim of executive privilege cannot be prosecuted for criminal contempt of Congress.”

In a separate letter to Biden, Garland stated that the audio recordings of the interview “fall within the scope of executive privilege,” and that releasing them to Congress “would raise an unacceptable risk of undermining the Department’s ability to conduct similar high-profile criminal investigations — especially those requiring the voluntary cooperation of White House officials.”

During a press briefing on Thursday morning, Garland emphasized that the Justice Department had made significant efforts to respond to the committees’ legitimate requests. However, he stated, “this is not one.”

He argued that releasing the interview audio “would harm our ability in the future to successfully pursue sensitive investigations,” describing the request as part of a “series of unprecedented and, frankly, unfounded attacks” on the Justice Department, including attempts to hold Garland in contempt to obtain the audio.

Garland remarked, “This effort to use contempt as a method of obtaining our sensitive law enforcement files is just the most recent. Threats to defund our investigations and actions that endanger our agents and prosecutors are wrong. My duty is to continue to do the right thing. I will protect this building and its people.”

In the wake of this decision to protect President Biden from any potential consequences for his mishandling of classified documents, many Americans are left confused how Democrats can be screaming from the rooftops about how much of a “criminal” Trump is for supposedly doing the same thing.

In the case of Donald Trump, he was actually a sitting U.S. President. Joe Biden was never U.S. President by the time he mishandled classified documents. At the very least, there’s a better argument that Donald Trump should be able to invoke executive privilege and not Joe Biden.

How anyone can be calling for Donald Trump to be thrown behind bars for his “mishandling of classified documents” but not Biden’s is truly a prime example of Democrat hypocrisy.

President Biden only looks like he has something to hide here. That’s not going to help him as the election heats up this summer.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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