Donald Trump is making Democrats sweat with this genius trick up his sleeve

The Left is freaking out. They know Trump is likely to win the 2024 election if the polls are to be believed.

And now Donald Trump is making Democrats sweat with this genius trick up his sleeve.

Americans have had to deal with Biden’s policies for years now, and plenty are furious.

One of the biggest scandals of his administration is his inability to keep any kind of order at the southern border.

And Donald Trump just let everyone know what he plans to do when he gets back into office.

Donald Trump has promised to carry out the “largest mass deportation effort” in American history if he is re-elected next year, targeting millions of illegal migrants across the country.

The 45th president has frequently discussed his deportation agenda, and recently stated in a TIME Magazine interview that he would use local law enforcement, the National Guard, and the military to carry out his plan, similar to the dragnet-style sweeps of “Operation Wetb*ck” under former President Dwight Eisenhower, which shipped out more than 1 million migrants in 1954.

The Trump 2024 campaign has not discussed the resources required to locate, imprison, and deport the “nearly 20 million” illegal aliens they claim are currently in the United States.

However, former ICE officials warn the New York Post that carrying out such a major operation would necessitate a massive expansion of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, collaboration with the State Department, and additional financing from Congress.

According to Eric Ruark, director of research at NumbersUSA, the Trump campaign’s 20 million figure is “not an unreasonable estimate” considering the swings and record-breaking amount of migrants entering the U.S. during the Biden administration.

“There’s probably between 15 and 20 million, given the number of people we’ve seen coming over,” Ruark said, contrasting with the official estimate of 11 million from the U.S. Census Bureau.

Tom Homan, previous acting director of ICE under Trump, stated that the agency has “systems in place that are very good at identifying people,” but that the speed of deportation would be determined by the resources available.

“A lot of that is going to be up to Congress … We need officers, we need detention beds, we need transportation contracts … because [we would have] more flights heading out of the country and more bus removals down to the border,” Homan said.

“We would still prioritize criminals and national security threats first, they are the most dangerous for the country,” he added.

“But I would say no one is off the table. If you’re in this country illegally… then we’ll remove you.”

When asked if he would return to work in a second Trump term, Homan indicated he would “strongly consider” accepting a position if requested.

Jon Feere, Trump’s former ICE director of staff, stated that “there’s no doubt that ICE would benefit from a significant increase in officers, agents, and detention space” and that a Trump administration would “undoubtedly” make that request to Congress.

However, Feere stated that ICE already has the potential to jail more migrants than are now being kept by the Biden administration.

“This effort will likely include city-wide operations where officers from different parts of the country are brought in to conduct work site investigations and make arrests within the course of weeks within in any given jurisdiction,” he went on to say.

“This will require a whole government approach,” Feere went on.

“Every part of the government that has a nexus to immigration has a role to play here. From Health and Human Services, to the State Department, to US Citizenship and Immigration Services, every part of the government can assist in reducing illegal immigration.”

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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