Joe Biden gave a secret command at the southern border that is dropping jaws

The Biden administration has pulled out all the stops to flood this country. But this is crossing a line even for them.

And now Joe Biden gave a secret command at the southern border that is dropping jaws.

The president has made a mess of nearly everything he has touched.

He’s the anti-Midas if there ever was one.

Whether it’s his foreign policy that has led to a Russian-Ukrainian proxy war, Israeli-Hamas violence, and an emboldened China…

Or his push for the most radical social agendas known in human history, his presidency can hardly be called a success.

But one of the most scandalous and preventable issues has been his handling of the southern border.

And now he’s issued an order that has completely boggled everyone’s mind.

President Joe Biden’s administration has directed U.S. Border Patrol agents to release illegal aliens from all but six of the Eastern Hemisphere’s more than 100 countries, rather than deporting them.

The Washington Examiner obtained the memo that Biden officials gave Border Patrol agents, which comes shortly after Biden signed a weak executive order on immigration last week, claiming that if the border became overwhelmed, he would shut it down — despite previously saying that he couldn’t.

Numerous authorities, elected leaders, and security experts have cautioned that Biden’s executive action does nothing and is merely window dressing.

According to Examiner border correspondent Anna Giaritelli, the instructions given to Border Patrol agents “contradict what senior Biden administration officials told reporters in a call on Tuesday would be the case for migrants from Eastern Hemisphere countries who traveled through multiple countries without seeking asylum in order to reach the United States, referred to as extra-hemispheric migrants.”

The report quoted the Biden official as saying: “Extra-hemispheric migrants have always been a challenge. They will be subject to these rules, provisions. We’ve also been working with governments all over the world to enhance our ability to repatriate individuals to countries that have historically been challenging. We have, for example, operated repatriation flights to India, to China, to Uzbekistan, to Mauritania, to Senegal over the last few months, and those are all countries that historically would have been much more challenging for us to return individuals to and we anticipate we will continue to enhance our ability to return migrants to the Eastern Hemisphere.”

“So, we do think that the rules measures will allow us to impose an immediate and fast consequence to migrants no matter what country they’re coming from,” said the source.

According to the administration’s directives to Border Patrol agents, only people from Georgia, Moldova, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan will be referred for expedited removal from the United States and will not be allowed to request asylum.

Everyone else who enters from an Eastern Hemisphere nation will be released into the United States and allowed to request asylum.

The Eastern Hemisphere covers the whole Middle East, Asia, the majority of Africa, and most of Europe.

Fox News correspondent Bill Melugin said that the instructions amount to “mass catch & release continues for illegal immigrants” as approximately 10 million have entered the U.S. under Biden.

Is it all part of the plan?

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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