The Left is shell shocked after an incriminating report about Biden just dropped

Joe Biden is arguably the worst president in American history. And it looks like he’s trying to cement his position.

Now the Left is shell shocked after an incriminating report about Biden just dropped.

Biden is an anti-Midas. Everything he touches turns to…something other than gold, we’ll say.

And one of his biggest scandals is his complete disregard for national security by allowing millions of illegal aliens to cross the southern border.

He says he’s powerless, but that’s obviously a lie.

Now the numbers are in, and they’re embarrassing for him.

According to newly released federal government data, there were approximately five times as many “gotaways” at the border in Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 as in FY 2020, the last fiscal year before President Joe Biden took office.

The term “gotaways” refers to persons who enter the nation illegally but are not detained by U.S. law enforcement.

In FY 2023, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) registered an astounding 670,674 gotaways, nearly quintupling the 136,808 recorded in FY 2020 under former President Donald Trump.

FOX News national correspondent Bill Melguin reported that he received the internal CBP data through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request filed in October.

The information “reveals 13 years of known gotaways data at the border, showing gotaways have ‘exploded’ under the Biden admin compared to the Trump [and] Obama years,” Melugin wrote on X (formerly Twitter) Wednesday afternoon.

“This is the first time these numbers have ever been revealed.”

“For perspective, in the decade of FY 2010 through FY 2020 under both Obama [and] Trump, CBP recorded over 1.4 million known gotaways,” Melguin added in his X post.

“In the three years of FY 2021 through FY 2023, CBP recorded over 1.6 million known gotaways” or “illegal aliens seen or detected via cameras, sensors, footsign, etc, but are never apprehended.”

In the 2010s, the fiscal year with the most gotaways was FY 2013 (171,663).

In FY 2021, which was split between the Trump and Biden administrations, CBP documented 387,398 gotaways. CBP documented more than 600,000 gotaways in each of the Biden administration’s two full fiscal years.

“So far in FY 24, which began in October, Customs and Border Protection (CBP) sources have told Fox News separately there have been more than 175,000 gotaways,” Melugin and FOX’s Adam Shaw wrote in a report published Friday afternoon.

“Officials have regularly expressed concern about the numbers crossing without being encountered, even though it is a relatively small number compared to the more than 1.3 million migrants encountered this fiscal year,” Melugin and Shaw added.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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