Former President Obama isn’t in office anymore. But he’s still pulling the strings.
And Barack Obama’s insane plan to take over the court system has now been revealed.
A conservative political action committee (PAC) has announced its strategic priorities aimed at countering efforts by a former Obama administration official to elect Left-leaning judges to state courts. The Republican State Leadership Committee (RSLC) plans to support conservative judges in six states this fall with a significant advertising campaign, as revealed in a press release obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation.
This initiative has gained importance for Republicans as former President Barack Obama’s Attorney General, Eric Holder, has been leading efforts to use the courts to reshape congressional districts, particularly in Republican-dominated states.
Dee Duncan, president of the RSLC, which operates the Judicial Fairness Initiative (JFI), emphasized the ongoing nature of redistricting battles. He stated, “We know that redistricting is no longer a ten-year battle; it is a yearly fight. That is why we must elect more constitutional conservatives in races across the country this year to prevent liberals backed by millions in dark money from overturning conservative-led benches.”
Duncan further expressed JFI’s commitment to electing conservative judges who will maintain impartial justice and prevent Holder and Obama’s allies from altering the balance of power in crucial judicial battleground states in 2024.
The RSLC’s focus is on judicial races in Arizona, Michigan, Montana, North Carolina, Ohio, and Texas. State supreme courts have become a particular target for Holder’s National Democratic Redistricting Committee (NRDC).
According to the NRDC’s website, “State Supreme Courts have the power to review and, if necessary, overturn redistricting plans that are unfair or unconstitutional.” The NRDC considers North Carolina’s supreme court as “ideological” and has identified it as an electoral priority alongside Michigan, Montana, Ohio, and Texas elections.
Additionally, the NRDC has partnered with the Planned Parenthood Action Fund to support the election of judges favorable to abortion and transgender rights to state supreme courts, as stated in a joint press release in May.
Alexis McGill Johnson, president and CEO of Planned Parenthood Action Fund, remarked, “We are in the fight of our lives to protect and restore our fundamental freedoms — and our courts are the front lines. Opponents of abortion access, LGBTQ+ equality, and democracy itself are tilting the scales of justice by stacking courts that will carry out their destructive agendas.”
The RSLC has also released a video as part of its ad campaign, asserting that the judicial initiative is the “first line of defense” in the effort to maintain impartial justice.
The ad claims, “America’s courts are under siege, radical leftists led by Barack Obama and Eric Holder are weaponizing the rule of law, redrawing maps, tipping the scales, and forcing through their agenda.” It concludes by stating, “The battle for our courts is the battle for our future.”
Conservatives Want Return To Constitution, Leftists Want To Rewrite It
Democrats’ efforts to control the courts have intensified in recent years, reflecting a strategic shift in their approach to judicial power. This push comes as conservatives have successfully reshaped the federal judiciary, particularly the Supreme Court, to align more closely with originalist interpretations of the Constitution.
With conservatives holding a 6-3 majority on the Supreme Court, Democrats have turned their attention to state courts as a new battleground. This shift acknowledges the growing importance of state judiciaries in shaping policy, especially on contentious issues like redistricting, voting rights, and abortion.
For decades, conservatives have advocated for judges who interpret laws based on their original meaning rather than reshaping them through judicial activism. This approach has gained significant traction, leaving Leftists without a cohesive alternative judicial philosophy. Democrats’ current efforts aim to counterbalance this conservative legal dominance.
Responding to Conservative Rulings
Recent Supreme Court decisions, particularly on issues like so-called “abortion rights”, have galvanized Democratic efforts to reshape the judiciary. The overturning of Roe v. Wade, along with other conservative rulings, has intensified concerns on the Left about the current composition of the courts.
That being said, they remain without a consistent judicial outlook, which will be major problem for the Democrat Party moving forward.
Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.