Shocking video exposes Joe Biden for who he truly is

Joe Biden

Biden’s true colors are starting to show. Now we have video proof.

And this shocking video exposed Joe Biden for who he truly is.

In a video posted on the same day that former President Donald Trump was indicted on charges linked to January 6, President Joe Biden endorsed the “Dark Brandon” meme.

“A cup of Joe never tasted better,” the president’s Twitter (X) account said on Thursday, alongside a video of Biden drinking coffee from a mug with the “Dark Brandon” caricature sandwiched between 2024. “I like my coffee dark,” adds Biden in the video. He also included a link to buy the cup.

“Dark Brandon, dark roast. Tea drinkers welcome. Purchase is a donation to Biden Victory Fund,” the product description reads on the Biden/Harris website, where the mug is being sold for $22.

The “Dark Brandon” meme emerged during the president’s infamously divisive address in which he described MAGA Republicans as a dark menace to American democracy during the 2022 midterm elections.

“MAGA Republicans do not respect the constitution,” he said. “They do not believe in the rule of law, they do not believe in the rule of law, they do not recognize the will of the people.”

“MAGA forces are determined to take this country backwards,” he added.

“Backwards to an America where there is no right to choose. No right to privacy. No right to contraception. No right to marry who you love. They promote authoritarian leaders and they fan the flames of political violence.”

In reaction to the online MAGA outpouring, Biden fans developed the nickname “Dark Brandon” — a nod to the “Let’s Go, Brandon” fad — and began posting memes depicting the president smiling with his eyes flashing red as if he were the Terminator.

According to Alex Woodward, writing for the Independent, the memes changed the president from a grandfatherly image into something more hostile.

“The image of Dark Brandon not only reclaims the ‘Brandon’ label but subverts the explicitly fascist ‘Dark MAGA’ aesthetic, giving liberals who otherwise have been on the receiving end of a years-long meme war the ammunition to participate,” Woodward wrote.

“With Dark Brandon, the 78-year-old Biden undergoes an ironic transformation as a bearded, eyepatch-wearing Metal Gear Solid figure or laser-eyed anime character,” he added.

On Tuesday, special prosecutor Jack Smith revealed that a grand jury has indicted former President Trump for the third time on January 6 charges.

As Breitbart’s Joel Pollak noted, the indictment “was announced the day after President Joe Biden had been implicated in a long-running influence peddling scheme by his son Hunter’s former business partner, Devon Archer, in testimony before the House Oversight Committee.”

“Trump was indicted on four counts: one on conspiracy to defraud the U.S.; one on conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding; one of obstruction and attempt to obstruct an official proceeding; and one of conspiracy against rights,” Pollak explained.

“The indictment does not indicate how prosecutors were able to establish what Trump himself believed, other than the fact that he had been informed by others that his suspicions of fraud were false; nor does it distinguish the case from the ‘Russia collusion’ hoax spread by Trump’s opponents, including within the Department of Justice, after he won the 2016 presidential election,” Pollak added.

What a dystopian America we all live in.

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