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The radical Left has gone way too far. They’re shredding up the Constitution into pieces.

And now the First Amendment will never be the same after what this top Democrat has done.

Massachusetts’ Democratic governor, Maura Healey, has banned state agencies from purchasing plastic water bottles designed for a single use.

She made the announcement on Monday before a panel discussion on ocean preservation at the Clinton Global Initiative meeting in New York City, hosted by the Clinton Foundation.

When asked about the biggest concerns to the world’s seas, the climate, and environmental justice, Healey replied, “Plastic waste and plastic production. In government, we have an obligation, we also have an opportunity to not only stop contributing to this damage but to chart a better path forward.”

By executive order, Healey has banned the purchase of all single-use plastics in Massachusetts. According to the Boston Globe, a spokesman for Healey’s office claimed that executive orders making the prohibition official would be issued on Thursday.

To develop “biodiversity conservation targets” for the years 2030, 2040, and 2050, the governor of Massachusetts revealed a second plan during her speech.

“Currently, in Massachusetts, over 430 species are listed as endangered. Scientists estimate that worldwide, 1 million face extinction,” Healey claimed. “We’ve spent decades working to protect our natural resources, but with climate change accelerating the decline, biodiversity loss threatens public health, economic stability, food security, and our emissions goals.”

Concord, Massachusetts passed a historic policy in 2013 banning the sale of plastic water bottles, and now the entire state is following suit with a ban on single-use plastics.

Eight states and countless municipalities have banned plastic bags, but Massachusetts is the first to outlaw single-use plastic bottles. There are a total of ten states that have taken similar action: Connecticut, California, Delaware, Hawaii, Maine, New York, Oregon, and Vermont.

Single-use plastics will be banned from sale on government-owned land and national parks by 2032, as declared by the Interior Department in 2022.

This is just the latest of the insane attacks on the most basic of freedoms that all Americans should be free to enjoy, guaranteed by the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

Sure, it’s just “government agencies” for now. But next it will be laws being passed that no one in the state will be allowed to have single-use plastic bottles or anything similar. All because of radical Leftist virtue signaling.

Because that’s what this is. The Left is virtue signaling their so-called “climate change” efforts like their focus on “clean” energy resources, recycling, and now banning certain products.

But the truth is that none of these efforts have done anything at all. They continue to heat up their climate change alarmism no matter how much they get their way.

Which just proves how this isn’t about the environment at all. This is about controlling people and getting the United States that much closer to a socialist system where government officials get to decide what is and is not acceptable for Americans to own.

That’s what Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal is all about. That’s what the ban on gas cars is all about. That’s what the push to do away with certain foods like cow meat is all about.

The worst part about all these ridiculous “green” measures is that they end up costing the American taxpayer an arm and a leg to implement because alternatives are just not as good.

It’s almost like the market system is better at figuring this out on its own, right? Who would’ve thought such a thing.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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