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Being the White House Press Secretary is never an easy job for any administration. But Biden’s constant gaffes and questionable mental fitness have made it so much harder.

And Karine Jean-Pierre lost her mind when she was asked this one question about Joe Biden.

Joe Biden has spent the entire first half of his term making a fool of himself and forcing his staff to play cover for his mistakes.

His presidency has been rife with policy failures like the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan that left over a dozen American soldiers dead and thousands of Afghan allies left to the clutches of the Taliban.

His apparent incoherence in nearly every public appearance has led many to speculate whether he is even fit to serve in office.

But worst of all has been his corruption. We have learned more and more that Joe Biden, federal agencies, and Big Tech titans like Twitter were all in cahoots to silence conservative voices in 2020, according to the “Twitter Files” released thanks to Elon Musk.

These revelations are causing many to raise uncomfortable questions – and White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre is getting hit with them left and right.

Peter Doocy, a reporter for Fox News who works at the White House, asked White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre straight out if President Joe Biden was involved in his “family business schemes.”

The House Oversight Committee, which is run by Republicans, said there is evidence that Biden “lied to the American people” about how involved he was in his family’s business dealings overseas.

The new Republican majority in the House has promised to look into what the president’s son, Hunter, did with an energy company in Ukraine called Burisma and an energy company in China called CEFC China Energy.

“With the new Republican majority coming in, the House Oversight Committee is laying out their new investigations, and they claim it had evidence that Joe Biden lied to the American people about his involvement in his family’s business schemes. Did he?” Doocy asked at a press conference on Tuesday.

“So look, I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again. House Republicans promise that fighting inflation during the midterms was going to be their number one priority, that is what they said was important to them and that’s what they said they wanted to do,” Jean-Pierre said. 

“But instead, what they’re doing, is wanting to start an investigation on the president and his family. They don’t want to focus on the American people and their family, they want to focus on political division. They want to focus on something that the American people do not want to see, as we saw from the midterm elections.”

In November, the Oversight Committee of the House of Representatives released a report that said Biden “misused his public positions” to help his family’s “financial interests.” 

Rep. James Comer, a Republican from Kentucky, said before that they “laid out the evidence” to look into whether or not the president was involved in his son’s business deals.

In September 2020, Senate Republicans released a report that said the younger Biden “cashed in” on his father’s power, but it didn’t say what role Biden played in his son’s business deals. 

Doocy asked Jean-Pierre about the rumor that Biden left a voicemail for his son about his business dealings.

The president has said over and over that he has nothing to do with his son’s business. In 2019, when he was running for president, he told reporters that he had never talked to Hunter about his business deals. 

But The Daily Mail got a supposed voicemail from 2018 that showed Biden wanted to talk to his son about a story in the New York Times about his business dealings in China.

Stay tuned to DC Daily Journal for updates on this developing story.

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