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U.S. Representative Jim Jordan isn’t playing around anymore. He’s serious about holding Biden accountable for his failures.

And Jim Jordan send Joe Biden a demand that has jaw-dropping consequences.

A memo from the FBI recently leaked that showed how Catholics and Christians in general are being targeted by the FBI as potential “domestic terrorists.”

It was a bombshell leak that raised questions about the integrity of the FBI under Joe Biden’s leadership, which was already in question for various other scandals over the past year or so.

Americans are demanding answers for just how corrupt the FBI has become that they are now targeting innocent people as “terrorists” simply because they show up to school board meetings to give so-called “progressive” council members a piece of their mind.

U.S. Representative Jim Jordan (R-OH) is also demanding answers from the Biden administration and the FBI.

In fact, Jim Jordan has now sent a letter to the Biden admin and the FBI seeking accountability for this awful memo that has left Christians concerned about persecution coming their way simply because of the religion they believe in.

His letter says that the Judiciary Committee is “examining” the FBI for its “handling of domestic violent extremism investigations.”

The letter says that “new information has become public about the FBI’s targeting of a set of Catholic Americans for their religious beliefs.”

“We therefore write to request additional information about this serious misuse of federal law-enforcement resources,” the letter reads.

The letter also addresses how the FBI tried to blame a “local field office” for the memo and the sharing of the memo, but Jim Jordan and his fellow Republicans remain skeptical of that excuse.

They say there “remain many questions about the genesis, review, and approval” of the memo that clearly was designed to target Catholics and Christians.

Jim Jordan, according to the letter, is seeking answers on the development of the memo and wants answers from the FBI director by March 2.

It’s unclear what Jim Jordan will do next if the FBI does not provide answers by March 2, but he certainly seems serious about wanting to get to the bottom of this.

Elise Stefanik (R-NY) also tweeted about the memo saying that the new House Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government is investigating this matter as well.

Republicans ahead of the 2022 midterms promised for months that they would be investigating the Biden administration for a variety of reasons, one of them being using the weight of the federal government to attack political enemies.

House Republicans are so far delivering on that promise, but it’s sad that we’ve reached this point that we have to defend Christians from the federal government.

Our nation was founded on the idea of being able to live your life freely with respect to your religion without being afraid of what the government might do to you.

Thomas Jefferson and the other Founding Fathers were more concerned about protecting free citizens exercising their religion from the government, not the other way around.

Joe Biden and the Democrats, on the other hand, think it’s their duty to rid the country of any vessel of conservative Christian thought and practice. That’s why they are targeting Christians and conservatives.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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