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Political violence is on the rise. Seemingly no one is safe.

And now Secret Service was forced to open fire on violent criminals trying to attack a Biden family member.

According to reports, close to midnight on November 12, members of the Secret Service who were assigned to protect Joe Biden’s granddaughter, Naomi Biden, were forced to draw their weapons and fire at criminals.

The criminals were found trying to break into a government SUV but were not caught by any of the fire.

The criminals then reportedly got in a red car and fled from the scene and have not been caught since the incident.

It is not clear at this time what the motives of the two criminals were, specifically whether those motives involve Naomi Biden being a target.

A statement released by the Secret Service Chief of Communications, Anthony Guglielmi, said that there was “no threat to any protectees” but that it is currently being investigated by the Washington, D.C. law enforcement and the Secret Service.

“Two to Three possible suspects fled the scene in a vehicle and a regional bulletin has been issued to supporting units,” Mr. Guglielmi said on X as he shared the official statement from the Secret Service.

Unfortunately, there has been a stark rise in political violence over the past ten years or so.

Last year, Nancy Pelosi’s husband Paul Pelosi was violently attacked in his own home in San Francisco as a violent criminal busted into their house with a hammer and tried to beat Paul Pelosi to d*ath. Mr. Pelosi had to end up getting surgery on his skull after that event.

Of course, many members of the Fake News Media and some radical Democrats in Congress tried to blame conservatives for this even though it was some random psychopathic guy who simply didn’t like the Pelosis. No one in their right mind, either on the Left or the Right tries to do these things.

This is evident in the fact that there have been plenty of conservatives and Republicans who have fallen victim to needless violence in recent years as well.

Back in July of 2022, current member of the House of Representatives, Republican Lee Zeldin of New York, was attacked on stage and was almost stabbed when he was just trying to give a campaign speech.

It’s not limited to just legislators or members of the executive branch either. Even Supreme Court Justices have been the target for attacks in recent years.

Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s life was threatened as a man was arrested near his home for possessing a gun whilst calling for violence against the young Supreme Court Justice.

The motives in that incident were quite clear as he admitted that he was upset that the draft opinion of the Dobbs case had leaked showing that Roe v. Wade was going to be overturned. So he was a radical pro-abortion extremist trying to attack a Supreme Court Justice for being a part of the overturning of Roe.

There’s countless more examples, but the most critical aspect in all of this is that simply no one anywhere on the political spectrum is safe from attacks that are politically driven.

The Fake News Media would have you believe it’s all because conservatives and Republicans are a bunch of fascists who just want to watch the world burn if they can’t have it their own way. That’s how they view January 6, 2021.

In an article titled “We’re in a new era of attacks on political leaders” by Leftist outlet Vox, they have an entire section of the article that is titled “Rhetoric on the right is legitimizing political violence.”

Apparently Republicans and conservatives are responsible for whenever a Democrat is violently attacked, but the same is not true for the reverse. Apparently Democrats and radical Leftist extremists are not responsible when conservatives are attacked.

Even though the rhetoric on the far Left that has come from the very top of the Democrat Party, including President Joe Biden himself, has essentially demonized anyone who voted for Trump or is a “MAGA Republican,” the Left is completely innocent in their own eyes.

We’ll simply leave you with this clip of the current Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) making comments that sound an awful lot like condoning violence against any political opposition.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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